
How Long Do Elevators Last?

How Long Do Elevators Last

Maximizing your elevator lifespan involves taking numerous maintenance steps throughout its operation. How long do elevators last? With proper maintenance and upgrades, such as replacing the elevator phone system to match modern code requirements, you could receive 30 years or more of performance from the unit.

Learn more about elevator longevity and keeping your equipment in the best possible condition.

Timeline for Elevator Maintenance

Understanding which parts of your elevators need maintenance and when they need this type of work is the key to long-lasting performance. Proper maintenance can help delay the need for a full elevator replacement, saving money in the long run.

Paying attention to the elevator’s diagnostics also contributes to its longevity. If an inspection indicates a problem, it needs immediate attention. Ignoring these kinds of issues will only cause them to become worse, potentially necessitating a full replacement of the unit sooner.

10-Plus Years

Most elevators require extensive repair or replacement of the interior of the cab within 10 to 15 years. This process may involve upgrading the communications or video system inside the elevator to meet the latest emergency regulations.

20-Plus Years

Your elevator likely will need significant replacement work around the 20-year mark to keep it operating in top condition. Parts that will likely need replacement around 20 years include the following:

  • Cables
  • Control and operating panel
  • Hydraulic piston

It’s important to have an elevator monitoring service that keeps an eye on the diagnostics for these items leading up to the 20-year mark. Catching anything amiss sooner rather than later will provide ample warning of an impending catastrophic failure.

25-Plus Years

If you want to maintain the elevator’s longevity, you may need to fully replace the electrical wiring at the 25-to-30-year mark. The hydraulic piston and shaft doors may also need replacement around this time.

As your elevator approaches its 30-year mark, you may find that parts are no longer available. At that point, replacement may be your only option.

Meeting Modern Code Requirements

One way to maintain elevator longevity is to upgrade its communications equipment as needed. Adding modern technology can extend the life of elevators.

ASME Elevator Code requirements may change over time, necessitating new equipment installations. Your elevator monitoring service can help you understand new code regulations while determining the best timeline for implementing them to ensure minimal disruption.

Learn More About Choosing an Elevator Safety Systems Provider

How long do elevators last, and what determines their durability in the long run? With proper maintenance and scheduled replacements, a timeline of 30 or more years is not unusual.

When you need upgrades to your elevator system to match new regulations, ELEVATE Monitoring is ready to help. Following an elevator maintenance schedule and replacing parts needed to deploy new technology keeps it in service longer. This work reduces a visitor’s chances of getting stuck in an elevator.

To learn more about how ELEVATE Monitoring can help you with your elevator service life, call us at 877-990-9191 today.

Guide to Choosing an Elevator Monitoring Service Provider

Guide to Choosing an Elevator Monitoring Service Provider

If you have an elevator on your commercial or retail property, choosing the right elevator monitoring service provider ensures proper operation. You need your service provider to know the local codes, understand your elevator’s operation, and keep everything — from the cellular elevator phone to the video monitoring capabilities — in perfect working order.

Learn more about how to choose the right elevator monitoring service for your unit.

Understanding Code Requirements

To maintain the performance of your elevator, you must follow ASME Elevator Code requirements. Some municipalities or states have specific codes you must also follow.

As a building owner, your focus may be on areas of the property other than the elevator. Your elevator monitoring service should remain current on the latest code changes, so you don’t have to worry about them.

When changes to the codes occur, the service should implement them automatically on your equipment. If your equipment needs a major upgrade to adhere to new codes, your provider should anticipate these issues and give you plenty of advance notification about the changes so you can order new equipment in time.

Handling Elevator Calls

When someone makes an emergency call from the elevator because of a problem, your monitoring service needs to be able to help. Modern communications systems in elevators require the monitoring service to listen to the caller and diagnose the problem.

Some calls may require dispatching the fire department to perform a rescue. Other callers may simply need reassurance that the problem is minor and will remedy itself soon. It’s important for the monitoring service personnel to be able to decipher the difference and act accordingly.

Even though calls from the elevator that represent a true emergency are rare, your monitoring service must be ready for these calls.

Maintaining Licenses

Your elevator monitoring service should have the necessary licenses and training to work on your elevator communications systems. A basic alarm company may not have these licenses.

The right monitoring service can work on upgrades to the communications system and make repairs whenever needed. Ask the service about any licenses it holds before you hire it.

Monitoring Diagnostics

Your elevator monitoring service should be able to track remote elevator diagnostics for system performance. Such information can include real-time lift tracking and lift operation monitoring.

Should the service provider notice an elevator fault detection, it should provide immediate notification for repair.

Watching elevator performance analytics can help you diagnose a minor problem before it evolves into a dangerous fault. Real-time monitoring from the right service provider saves you money in the long run and keeps your elevator in service with fewer interruptions.

Learn More About Choosing an Elevator Safety Systems Provider

Selecting a provider for your elevator monitoring doesn’t have to be a challenge. You can trust ELEVATE Monitoring to handle all the apartment building elevator requirements for whatever system you are using.

We take pride in our customized services and our knowledge of a multitude of elevator systems. We follow all ASME requirements. Call us at 877-990-9191 to learn more.

What Is PoE Switch Technology, and What Is It Used For?

What Is PoE Switch Technology and What Is It Used For

Maybe you’ve heard that Power over Ethernet switch technology can help businesses expand their network infrastructure without hefty upfront costs. However, the promise of using a PoE-enabled networking device to install a camera far from your closest power socket might sound too good to be true. So, what is PoE switch technology, and what does it do?

Below, our team from ELEVATE Monitoring, a leading cellular elevator phone provider, discusses the benefits of upgrading to PoE technology.

What Is Power Over Ethernet (PoE)?

Power over Ethernet is a technology that transmits power and data to devices through twisted ethernet cables. In doing so, you eliminate the need for separate electricity and data connections. The single ethernet power transmission cable can work for various networked devices, such as:

  • IP cameras
  • Wireless access points
  • VoIP phones
  • Network cameras
  • And more

Understanding PoE Switches

So, what is PoE switch technology?

PoE switches use twisted cable technology but also have multiple ethernet ports, so you can power numerous devices at once. A network switch with PoE typically contains a Gigabit network or Fast Ethernet switch with integrated PoE functionality to provide power and data to as many devices as needed.

What Is the Purpose of a PoE Switch?

With an advanced network infrastructure device, you can install phones, cameras, and other connected systems in places where you don’t already have power access points. Rather than installing more sockets, running extra cables, or investing money in re-doing your building’s infrastructure, PoE switches allow you to run power to any of your numerous devices. You also don’t need to increase your main’s voltage.

PoE Switch Advantages

PoE switches can help your business save money while enjoying numerous benefits. If you choose to upgrade, you can enjoy the following:

Cost Savings

Installing power in a location without it requires a large investment. A PoE switch allows you to run low-voltage lines to any of your networked devices.

Increased Service Quality

PoE switches have the ability to allocate data or power depending on demands. With this, you can enjoy a higher level of service quality. When critical applications require more resources, you can rest easy knowing each system will perform correctly.

You need this level of service quality to comply with the ASME Elevator Code and other building requirements.

Enhanced Flexibility

With a PoE switch, you can install devices practically anywhere you’d like. You can select the most convenient, out-of-the-way places for your security cameras or choose the ideal, up-to-code spot for emergency phones. You’re no longer bound to power sockets.

Remote Management

You can manage all devices on a PoE switch remotely over the internet rather than needing to access them physically. If a camera crashes or a phone shuts down, you can resolve the issue quickly using your management interface.

Upgrade Your Building’s Efficiency With Elevate Monitoring

Now that you know the answer to “What is PoE switch technology?” learn how to reset elevator communications in your building. When you’re ready to upgrade your building’s communications, contact ELEVATE Monitoring at 877-990-9191.

Tips for a Successful POTS Replacement in 2024

Tips for a Successful POTS Replacement in 2024

Transitioning your building from plain old telephone service (POTS) to a more efficient, modern, and up-to-code solution can help lower operating costs while improving day-to-day functionality. The POTS replacement process may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be when you’ve prepared correctly.

Below, our team from ELEVATE Monitoring discusses five key tips for upgrading your traditional landline service to cellular. When you’re ready to replace your copper wire telephony with an advanced cellular elevator phone, give us a call.

1. Assess Your Current Infrastructure

Before upgrading your public switched telephone network (PSTN), you need to assess your infrastructure to better understand what type of system will fit your needs. We recommend thinking about the following:

  • The pros and cons of your current analog telephone system
  • Your infrastructure’s remaining lifespan
  • Your current bandwidth usage
  • Any issues you’re experiencing with fixed-line communication

2. Plan Your Communication Needs First

Now that you’ve analyzed your infrastructure, you can map out your communication needs. To find the right tech, we recommend considering the following:

  • The number of lines you need: Lines might include your fire alarms, elevators, doors, security alarms, etc.
  • The required locations: Do you need to install systems in one building or across multiple ones? Do your buildings have a 66 block?
  • Your power locations: Do you already have power mounted near your units, and what’s the wattage level? Modern systems typically require more wattage than the legacy phone network.
  • Your installation timeframe: Do you need to replace your system immediately, or can you wait a few weeks for a standard appointment?

3. Pick a Proficient Partner

The partner you choose to guide you through your POTS replacement can make all the difference. You need an experienced vendor to streamline the process.

When comparing providers, we recommend considering field experience, industry expertise, client reviews, customer support, and assistance timelines.

4. Calculate Your Return on Investment

The POTS replacement process can require significant upfront costs. You should carefully consider your finances in advance to ensure that you’re making a worthwhile investment.

You can calculate your ROI by starting with your initial investment and then subtracting your potential cost savings down the line. You may save money on utility bills, efficiency improvements, and more. This calculation can help you see how long it will take to get in the green.

5. Choose the Right Replacement Tech

After thoughtful planning, you can select the right technology that meets your building’s budget and needs. When selecting your service provider and tech suite, we recommend considering the following:

  • Compatibility with ASME Elevator Code
  • Security features against data threats
  • The scalability potential
  • Battery backup standby hours
  • Cellular data capabilities
  • Maximum line capabilities
  • The warranty period

Be sure that anything you adopt can work with your existing hardware or software. Your provider should be able to help you configure and test the new tech.

Upgrade Your Building With ELEVATE Monitoring

Keep your hydraulic or traction elevator up to the latest code requirements by scheduling your affordable POTS replacement. Call ELEVATE Monitoring today at 877-990-9191.

What Are the Chances of Getting Stuck in an Elevator?

What Are the Chances of Getting Stuck in an Elevator?

When an elevator makes strange beeping noises or the door takes longer than normal to open, many people get nervous. Concern about being stuck in an elevator is a fairly common fear. Whether due to power outages or mechanical failure, no one wants to experience elevator entrapment.

Thankfully, a reliable elevator phone system can improve passenger safety and comfort in an emergency. But how often are they needed? In other words, what are the chances of getting stuck in an elevator? This post answers that question and covers what to do — and what not to do — in an elevator emergency.

The Frequency of Elevator Breakdowns

According to the National Elevator Industry, Inc., the United States has over 1 million elevators. Passengers make 20.6 billion trips on elevators annually.

ASME Elevator Code dictates strict safety standards for elevator design, installation, operation, and maintenance. Although issues sometimes happen, elevators are generally extremely safe and reliable.

Industry estimates suggest that only one of every 100,000 elevator rides gets stuck. Well-maintained residential and commercial elevators experience an average of only 0.5–2 breakdowns per year. Despite their heavier usage, industrial and service elevators experience only 2–4 annual breakdowns on average.

The next time you are nervously wondering, “What are the chances of getting stuck in an elevator?” perhaps remembering these statistics will help.

What To Do During an Elevator Breakdown

In the unlikely event of an elevator malfunction, the following suggestions can keep you safe and comfortable:

  • Stay calm: While it’s easier said than done, try to stay calm during an elevator emergency. Panic only makes things worse, so try to distract yourself by listening to music or playing a game on your phone.
  • Use the emergency features: Elevators have emergency buttons and/or phone systems to notify the operators of trouble. Some even have two-way video and text features to facilitate communication.
  • Stay away from the doors: Staying close to the elevator doors puts you at risk if they open suddenly. It is safer to move to the other side of the elevator.

What Not To Do During an Elevator Breakdown

If you find yourself trapped in an elevator, knowing what not to do is as important as knowing what to do.

  • Don’t try to exit: Staying in the cab protects you from dangers outside the elevator. It also enables you to communicate with emergency personnel.
  • Don’t pry open doors: Tightly closed doors probably mean emergency safety mechanisms are working correctly. Trying to pry the doors open could damage the elevator and put you at risk.
  • Don’t jump up and down: Sudden movements will not get the elevator moving again. But jumping up and down could injure you and other passengers.

Boost Elevator Safety Today With ELEVATE Monitoring

So what are the chances of getting stuck in an elevator? Pretty low, but the risk is there. Modern monitoring systems can help prevent common elevator malfunctions from happening, and modern communications systems help protect passengers when emergencies do occur.

For more information about implementing advanced elevator technology in your building, call ELEVATE Monitoring at 1-877-990-9191 or contact us online today!

Do I Have To Have a Phone in My Elevator?

Do I Have To Have a Phone in My Elevator

It’s a fear many people have: being stuck in an elevator with no way out. Thankfully, elevators must meet strict safety requirements for design and operation — including reliable communication systems in case of emergency.

Whether traditional copper-based landlines or modern cellular elevator phones, you may wonder, “Do I have to have a phone in my elevator?” This post addresses that question and other requirements for elevator communication devices.

Do Elevator Safety Standards Require a Phone?

All residential and commercial elevators must meet safety standards developed by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (ASME) Elevator Code covers elevator design, installation, operation, testing, and maintenance. What about the question, “Do I have to have a phone in my elevator?”

The ASME requires an emergency communication device, which can be a telephone or another two-way communication system. If passengers are stuck or otherwise require urgent assistance, they must be able to call for help.

What Elevator Communication Solutions Are Available?

Depending on the age of the elevator and local fire codes, you may see the following types of emergency communication systems:

  • Plain-old telephone service (POTS): As the name suggests, POTS lines are traditional landline phone systems. They are stable and reliable but are also becoming less common in modern buildings.
  • Cellular phone lines: While standard cell phones don’t always work in an elevator, emergency cellular elevator phones do. They have external transceivers and backup power sources for reliability.
  • Voice over internet protocol (VoIP): VoIP lines enable voice calls via an internet connection. Although cost-effective, this solution requires a solid internet infrastructure for reliable service.
  • Video monitoring service: ASME safety standards require new elevator systems to have two-way video capabilities. This helps passengers communicate in an emergency and helps operators understand what’s happening inside the elevator to render service more effectively.

What Are the Requirements for Elevator Phones?

Having an emergency communication system is only the first part of the ASME requirement. Elevator code also mandates the following:

  • 24/7 availability: Passengers must be able to reach an onsite or offsite operator at all times.
  • Backup power: The emergency elevator phone must work even when the power to the building or elevator goes out.
  • Hands-free operation: In many jurisdictions, the communication device must allow passengers to operate it without using their hands.
  • Accessibility: To meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, emergency phones must be no more than 48″ off the floor. ADA compliance also requires the system to have a visual indicator rather than relying on voice communications alone.
  • Video and text: New elevator systems must have two-way video and text messaging. This facilitates communication for both passengers and operators in emergencies.

Ready To Upgrade Your Technology? Contact Us Today

Now that we’ve answered, “Do I have to have a phone in my elevator?” ELEVATE Monitoring is standing by to help with all your elevator communication needs. Whether you want to know more about elevator requirements for apartment buildings or are ready to invest in a new video monitoring system, contact us today.

Elevator Phone Line Not Working: Three Causes

Elevator Phone Line Not Working Three Causes

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Elevator Code lays out all the rules and regulations that building owners must follow regarding their elevators. One requirement listed in ASME A17.1 is that all elevators must have dedicated telephone lines to ensure proper communication during emergencies.

Is the elevator phone line not working in one of the elevators in your building? If so, you’ll need to work on getting it up and running again as soon as possible.

Learn about three things that can cause an elevator phone line to stop working below. This information will help you decide whether to replace old copper landline setups with state-of-the-art cellular elevator phone options.

1. Power Failure

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average U.S. electricity customer loses power for over five hours each year. If you ever experience a power failure in your building, it could knock out the electricity in your elevator and leave you with an elevator phone not working.

For this reason, the International Building Code requires anyone who owns a building higher than four stories to install backup power systems to ensure power failures don’t knock out elevator phone lines and cause communication issues in case of emergencies. Anyone stuck in an elevator during a power outage should have a reliable way to communicate with the outside world.

2. Equipment Failure

A power outage is far from the only thing that can lead to an elevator phone line not working. Equipment failure related to the phone system in an elevator can also cut off communication between those stuck in elevators and those who can help them by sending out first responders.

Faulty wiring is one of the most common equipment failure problems with dedicated phone lines in elevators. Other issues include:

  • Electrical shorts
  • Dirty electrical connections
  • Improperly installed components

Some communication equipment found in older elevators is outdated by the ASME Elevator Code standards. Updating it with digital solutions, like a Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP system, might make your elevator phone work significantly better than it has in years.

3. Unpaid Phone Bill

Have you stayed on top of paying the phone bill for your elevator phone line? If you’ve missed making payments for a few months, that alone could reveal why your elevator phone line is not working.

Contact your telecom company to settle your unpaid phone bills. This could provide a quick and easy remedy for getting your elevators’ phone lines working again.

Elevator Phone Line Not Working? Call Us for Assistance

If you’re dealing with an elevator phone line not working, any number of things could be causing issues, the most common of which we’ve outlined above. You’ll see elevator safety suffer within your building if you don’t do anything about it.

Let ELEVATE Monitoring help you get your elevator phone line working normally. Contact us at 877-990-9191 to get answers to any other questions you might have and to schedule service from our experts.

Three Signs It’s Time To Replace POTS Line Setups in Your Elevators

Three Signs It’s Time To Replace POTS Line Setups in Your Elevators

According to the National Elevator Industry, the U.S. is home to about 900,000 elevators, which transport people about 2.5 billion miles annually.

Since elevators take so many trips up and down within buildings, they’re bound to break down occasionally. This explains why they’ve long been equipped with plain old telephone service (POTS) lines. They provide people with traditional landline phone systems in elevators so they can make calls in case of emergencies.

Is it time to replace POTS line setups in your elevators with more modern cellular elevator phone solutions? Several signs will suggest you should consider replacing them soon. Take a look at three of them below.

1. You’re Paying Too Much for the POTS Lines in Your Elevators

Even though POTS lines are the simplest communication systems found in elevators, they can cost a lot of money to use and, more importantly, to maintain over time. Many telecom companies have increased the costs associated with utilizing POTS lines, and companies that work on them have also increased their maintenance costs.

Of course, you will need to pay to replace POTS line setups in your elevators to remain in accordance with the ASME Elevator Code. However, this initial investment will pay for itself over time once you see how much more cost-effective digital systems, such as Voice over Internet Protocol systems, are. VoIP can provide improved call quality and other advanced features, like better security, at a fraction of the cost of POTS lines.

2. You Can’t Rely On the Copper Wires for the POTS Lines in Your Elevators

Once upon a time, the copper wires used to create POTS lines in elevators were state-of-the-art. But in 2024, they’re an outdated form of communications technology.

These wires can easily be disrupted by everything from construction in your building to bad weather, knocking out the POTS lines for your elevators when you need them most.

You won’t have to worry about encountering this problem when you replace POTS line setups with digital systems. They’ll provide you with increased reliability and eliminate the unnecessary downtime that can come with using POTS lines in elevators.

3. You Want To Abide By the FCC’s Latest Elevator POTS Line Mandates

FCC mandates announced in 2018 regarding POTS lines called for telecom companies to start phasing out these traditional landline phone systems in favor of digital voice solutions, like VoIP. It’s a big part of why many companies have started increasing prices for those who use POTS lines for elevators.

By taking the time to replace POTS line setups, you ensure your elevators comply with the FCC’s latest mandates. This could help shield your company from future POTS line price increases.

Contact Us To Replace the POTS Lines in Your Elevators

Have you decided it’s time to replace POTS line setups in your elevators? Using our digital solutions, ELEVATE Monitoring can help install a dedicated phone line in your elevators. Call us at 877-990-9191 to begin modernizing your elevators.

Understanding Apartment Building Elevator Requirements

Understanding Apartment Building Elevator Requirements

When considering whether to have elevators in an apartment building, it’s important to understand the relevant requirements. All types of elevators must adhere to strict standards, even in a residential apartment building, to ensure proper safety and reliability of operation.

You may even need video and text communication capabilities inside the new elevator. Such options help in an emergency and with security. Ensure your compliance by relying on an elevator phone system by ELEVATE Monitoring.

Following Elevator Codes for Apartments

Nearly all elevators must follow the standards set by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). This governing body develops safety standards for elevators that govern things like the following:

  • Operation
  • Design
  • Safety testing
  • Maintenance
  • Installation

These standards help protect the people in the apartment using the elevator regularly. They also ensure that those installing and servicing the elevator are safe while they work on these devices.

Understanding ASME Code A17.1

The best way to understand the apartment building elevator requirements is to familiarize yourself with the ASME Elevator Code, specifically ASME A17.1, which sets the standard for commercial and residential elevators. All building owners, inspectors, and contractors must follow it.

A recent revision to A17.1 stipulates that elevators must now have video capabilities. This allows security personnel and first responders to see what is happening in the elevator car during an emergency. They can make an informed decision on how to respond before arriving on the scene.

Additionally, A17.1 requires the ability to carry two-way communication and messages. If someone who is hearing impaired or nonverbal gets trapped in an elevator, such capabilities allow them to communicate with first responders. First responders can also send text messages in response to people in the elevator with updates on the situation.

When Does a Building Need an Elevator?

The size and configuration of the apartment building typically determine whether an elevator is required to provide public transportation to the upper floors.

Local regulations may have different requirements, but generally, any apartment building of three or more stories with interior entrances needs an elevator.

Another factor is the handicap accessibility for the apartment building. For larger apartments, at least 5% of the units often must be handicap accessible. If the building’s design cannot accommodate this level of accessibility on the ground floor, it needs elevator access.

Some local regulations require that any multi-story building with more than 3,000 square feet of space in the interior must have an elevator.

Even in areas where local building codes don’t require an elevator for a tall apartment building, contractors may choose to include one as a building amenity.

Understanding Options for Apartment Building Elevator Requirements

You can trust ELEVATE Monitoring to provide advice on apartment building elevator requirements and help maintain consistent elevator performance.

Our products keep you compliant by taking advantage of the latest technologies. We also have the expertise, certification, and training to keep your elevators in line with the ASME Elevator Code. To learn more, call ELEVATE Monitoring today at 877-990-9191.

Are POTS Lines Going Away? Why It’s Time To Consider Cellular Elevator Solutions

Pots Lines Going Away

Are POTS lines going away? Although some businesses may still rely on POTS lines for emergency services like elevator communications and alarm systems, demand for this outdated technology is shrinking. The end of governmental support and price increases for replacement equipment and service are two key reasons POTS lines are going away.

If your building has an elevator or alarm system that still relies on POTS lines, it’s a good time to investigate some new solutions. One option to deal with this potential problem is switching to a cellular elevator phone by ELEVATE Monitoring. Learn more about your potential options for dealing with the difficulties in maintaining copper phone lines in an elevator.

Reasons POTS Lines Are Going Away

POTS (plain old telephone service) lines are going away for several reasons, including:

  • Companies have less desire to use analog POTS lines. Many already switched their main communications to more efficient digital technologies like Unified Communications and hosted PBX.
  • The natural deterioration of the POTS lines, which have been in use for decades and continue to suffer disruptions from breakdowns.
  • An inability to monitor the performance of the POTS lines. Telecom companies cannot anticipate breakdowns and monitor usage trends like they can with newer technologies.

Ultimately, a lack of support from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is a crucial reason for POTS lines going away. The FCC now allows incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) to start phasing out analog POTS lines with a 180-day notification to customers. The ILECs often perform the switchover because of the higher costs associated with maintaining copper POTS lines.

Benefits of Eliminating POTS Lines Now

You certainly could attempt to keep your POTS lines in place and pay extra for replacement and repair as needed. However, a better option involves proactively replacing these lines. Key reasons to make the changeover sooner rather than later include the following:

  • Match your timeline: By making the change now, you avoid having your carrier tell you that it’s ending support for POTS lines and that you must change on its schedule. You’ll be ahead of any announcement from your carrier in the telecom industry.
  • Cost savings: Finding people who know how to repair and maintain POTS lines will become more difficult in the future. Such people will be in high demand, meaning you’ll almost certainly spend more on the work.
  • Upgraded alternatives: Many alternatives to POTS lines provide significant technological upgrades. They may include video and text message capabilities, along with battery backup options. These upgrades also give you the features you need to satisfy the latest ASME Elevator Code requirements.

Understanding Your Options for Replacing POTS Lines

Are POTS lines going away? Undoubtedly, POTS lines in elevators will eventually no longer have repair and maintenance support options. To deal with the end of POTS lines, consider other types of emergency elevator phones. They also are highly reliable in case of an emergency. To learn more about your options for POTS replacement, contact ELEVATE Monitoring today at 877-990-9191.

Why Do Elevators Have Cameras? Understanding the Legality of Elevator Monitoring

Do Elevators Have Cameras

When setting up a security system for your building, the placement of security cameras can be a touchy subject. Where might you put them without violating privacy concerns for employees and visitors? Why do elevators have cameras in the first place, and are they legal? The short answer is that elevator cameras are legal for security purposes and can be integral to ensuring passenger safety.

You have some options for tech upgrades when using cameras in your elevators. One is an elevator monitoring system by ELEVATE Monitoring. Below, we discuss everything you need to know about whether such monitoring systems are legal to use.

The Legality of Using an Elevator Security Camera

Many elevators already have cameras, but what legal concerns exist over installing an elevator security camera?

Generally, private businesses may place surveillance cameras in any location of the building where they have a legitimate purpose. For instance, businesses commonly use cameras near checkout lanes or at the exit to the building to stop shoplifters.

Businesses can also use these cameras to deter vandalism or theft of equipment or data. In these cases, an elevator camera is perfectly within legal requirements, as the business could use the elevator camera to identify suspects involved in theft.

Maintaining Privacy Inside Elevators

Even when visiting a private business, people have a right to ask, “Why do elevators have cameras?” especially if they’re concerned about privacy. Such privacy would include being able to hold conversations in an elevator without worrying about being heard.

To avoid violating federal wiretapping laws, elevator cameras might not include the ability to record audio. When they do, elevators may use dome cameras positioned well above any people inside the elevator car. This orientation will muffle conversations, so the audio recording cannot pick up discernible details.

Other Uses for an Elevator Camera

When used in elevators, cameras have quite a few potential uses beyond security measures.

For example, having a video feed inside an elevator could help in an emergency. First responders can see what’s happening in the elevator to determine the most appropriate response. They then can gather the proper equipment and respond accordingly once they arrive on the scene.

The updated ASME Elevator Code requires emergency communication options inside an elevator to provide video and text capabilities. These allow people with hearing or speech impairments to communicate their situations more effectively.

Old analog elevator emergency phones will need an upgrade or an adapter to deliver these kinds of features.

Learn More About Handling Your Elevator Camera Requirements With ELEVATE Monitoring

Why do elevators have cameras? Whether you want to add video capabilities to your elevator for monitoring or meet the requirements of new elevator codes, ELEVATE Monitoring is ready to help. We can provide advice about the best and latest technologies you may want to employ, all while matching your budget for the project. To learn more about your options and how we can help you implement them, contact us at 877-990-9191.

Understanding Your Top POTS Line Replacement Options

Pots Line Replacement Options

If your elevator design continues to rely on plain old telephone service (POTS), it may be time to consider a modern digital replacement. If you’re unsure exactly how to tackle this type of upgrade, it’s helpful to understand your POTS line replacement options.

One useful option is a cellular elevator phone by ELEVATE Monitoring. You may have other options, too, depending on your current setup.

Understanding Elevator Alarm Systems

The alarm system in your building’s elevator may use analog lines. Such lines were necessary in the past as they could deliver a power source during a power outage. The copper wires in these phone lines carried a small charge, ensuring power was always available in an emergency.

Fire alarms and fire panels must also follow certain standards and ASME Elevator Code requirements. These standards facilitate emergency capabilities even when power is not available.

Rising Cost of Outdated Copper Lines

With the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allowing the decommissioning of outdated copper lines in recent years, buildings with POTS systems are facing issues. Elevators using outdated POTS systems will see rising maintenance and replacement costs. Fewer technicians will know how to work on these systems, which almost certainly will lead to delays in service.

Modernizing elevator systems now with POTS line replacement options can help avoid unplanned issues.

It’s not uncommon for businesses that updated their primary phone systems from analog services to cloud-based or mobile services to keep analog lines in some areas. Elevators, alarm systems, and fax machines are the most common pieces of technology with outdated POTS lines.

Providing Emergency Service Without Electrical Power

Consider a workaround solution using modern technology to handle problems with POTS lines while maintaining the required emergency service requirements.

For example, you could install a voice and data communication adapter on the emergency panel and phone in the elevator that connects to the cellular network. It may also connect to your building’s Wi-Fi or the building’s network by Ethernet.

Importantly, it includes a backup battery. Should the power go out during an emergency, anyone stuck in the elevator could use the backup battery to access the adapter device. Most backup batteries in these devices last 24 hours or longer in a power outage.

As an added advantage of these devices, they offer the option for video and voice communications. If your elevator will need these communications in the future to meet regulations, you’ll be ready.

You could consider using an analog telephone adapter (ATA) to create an analog port in a router as a workaround. You also could use a managed facilities-based voice network (MFVN) adapter with a cable modem, although such devices don’t fully replace the POTS line.

Learn More About POTS Line Replacement Options

When you want to learn more about your POTS line replacement options or a dedicated phone line for your elevators, reach out to ELEVATE Monitoring. We can discuss your situation and how our products will fit your bottom line. Call us today at 877-990-9191.

How To Reset Elevator Communications Failure


Your building’s elevator communications system serves as the last resort when all else fails. If this elevator communication system fails, does the panel set off an alarm? If not, the passengers won’t be able to get in touch with emergency personnel.

Safety installations like ELEVATE Monitoring’s reliable elevator phone system have two-way video monitoring connected to highly trained agents 24/7. If everything is in place, your building is safer, but it’s still useful to know how to reset elevator communications failure alarms after proper functioning returns. Otherwise, that annoying alarm will just keep sounding, and the elevator won’t be as safe to ride without a working communication system.

Learn about resetting your elevator’s communication system below.

Why Elevator Communications Failure Happens

First, let’s talk about why elevator communications failure happens so that you can avoid it. The top causes of elevator communication failure include the following:

  • Power failure
  • Faulty equipment
  • Poorly trained agents
  • Unpaid phone bills

Performing regular maintenance and inspecting your system routinely prevents many of these concerns. Still, accidents may happen, so preparation is key.

Resetting Elevator Communications Failure

With preventive maintenance and proper equipment, it’s simple to adhere to the ASME Elevator Code.

However, when a communications failure occurs in your building’s elevator, you will still have to respond promptly as follows to ensure passenger safety:

Step 1: Address the Immediate Elevator Concern

Before discussing how to reset elevator communications failure, it’s important to note that you shouldn’t turn off the alarm before addressing the actual concern that has triggered it. The communications failure alarm only goes off when there’s a breach of communication.

Elevators have many moving parts, from the door sensors to the software, that affect communication. It’s important to determine why the communication systems failed so that you can keep your building occupants safe on the elevator. If you turn off the alarm and reset things without fixing this problem, it will only start sounding again within 24 hours.

Step 2: Reset the Failure Alarm

If you’ve fixed the problem, you can reset the failure alarm.

The standard reset button is only good for 24 hours. An alarm that turns back on indicates that there is a communication system problem still unsolved. Typically, the alarm flashes a red light every 30 seconds, indicating there is a break in the elevator’s communication setup.

To reset the failure alarm, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the control panel near the elevator doors or inside the cab.
  2. Locate your 511 elevator key.
  4. Turn the key clockwise in the “BUZZER RESET” switch (below the alarm on the panel).
  5. Wait for the light to turn green.

Remember to check back in 24 hours to see if the alarm returns.

Prevent Communications Failure by Choosing ELEVATE Monitoring

That’s how to reset elevator communications failure, but can you prevent the problem from occurring entirely? Why not look into ELEVATE Monitoring’s dedicated phone line, which has 24/7 availability, backup power, and audio and visual communication to ensure passengers can always get help fast? Call 877-990-9191 today to learn more.

Elevator Safety Mechanism: Key Considerations for High-Rise Building Management


You may be in charge of ensuring the proper functioning of your high-rise building’s elevators. How confident are you that all employees or building occupants can enjoy safe daily rides to their desired floors? Do you have a clear elevator safety mechanism in place to mitigate entrapment, power outages, and other dangers?

ELEVATE Monitoring’s advanced elevator answering service and monitoring systems keep elevators code-compliant and safe. Below are some considerations to add to your planned high-rise building management game plan for safer elevators.

Safety Components All High-Rise Elevators Should Leverage

Elevators rely on numerous moving parts. Unfortunately, when elevator doors, pulleys, sheaves, or anything else give trouble, it’s not just logistics that suffer–people are at risk.

One solution would be to install an elevator safety mechanism and perform regular maintenance on it. Elevators lend themselves well to numerous safety component installations, including one or more of the following:

Emergency Brakes for Elevators

An elevator’s emergency brake kicks in when the building loses power. That way, the cab doesn’t plummet down the shaft.

Modern elevators typically use friction brakes, applying opposing pressure to the elevator drum. Springs kick the break onto the pulley through an electrical mechanism, ensuring the elevator cab stays in place.

Mechanical Safety Components in Elevators

Elevator maintenance teams must inspect and maintain all manner of mechanical safety components for safe operation. Examples include:

  • The controller: The brains of the elevator.
  • The machine: Drives the sheaves.
  • The buffer: Absorbs energy as the elevator descends.
  • The governors: Control cab speeds on descents.
  • The safe ties: Attach to the hoistway when necessary.

There are also sensors to calibrate.

Elevator Door Sensors

The elevator’s door sensors protect passengers as they enter or exit the cab. A misaligned sensor is a hazard, as the doors could close on someone.

The ASME Elevator Code requires working door sensors. Regular inspections and preventive maintenance for these sensors are crucial for proper elevator operation and compliance with the safety codes.

An Emergency Elevator Communication System

Does your elevator have an emergency communication system? Does it effectively connect passengers with trained agents in the event of building power loss, elevator entrapment, or other emergencies?

Accessible emergency communication systems provide two-way communication via video and text-based messaging to ensure every elevator user is safe. The agents train to handle emergency situations and understand elevator mechanisms.

Advanced Standby Power for Elevators

Another safety measure is implementing advanced standby power systems to ensure the elevator can still safely operate in a power outage.

Standby power kicks in during power loss. That way, the elevator can get everyone to the closest floor stop and prevent entrapment.

Modern Monitoring and Elevator Security

Why consider advanced elevator monitoring systems? These tools provide full insight into elevator system health, component alerts, and two-way communication.

You can stay up-to-date on maintenance and prevent malfunctions. Passengers in your building will be safe, even during potentially hazardous elevator emergencies.

Enhance Your Building’s Safety With ELEVATE Monitoring

Learn more about how to optimize elevator performance and implement the right elevator safety mechanism with an advanced elevator monitoring system–call ELEVATE Monitoring today at 877-990-9191!

What Is a Traction Elevator?


What is a traction elevator? You might ask this if you haven’t yet installed an elevator in your building or climbed up to see one behind the scenes. There are multiple types of elevators out there, from traction or hydraulic elevators to vacuum and freight elevators.

Still, even though each type differs in function and where you’ll find them, the question is not so much about performance as it is about safety. ELEVATE Monitoring’s advanced elevator monitoring system options make all types of elevators safer and code-compliant.

Here’s everything you need to know about traction elevators and how to make them safer.

More About Traction Elevators

A traction elevator is motor-driven and uses a system of pulleys and steel ropes to move the elevator cab up or down. Traction elevators are energy efficient, which is why they’re often in high-rise buildings.

In terms of mechanics, traction elevators rely on a motorized system. This works quite differently to the pistons used inside hydraulic elevators. With a motorized pulley design, one of the biggest advantages is that passengers enjoy more precise movement between floors.

How Do Traction Elevators Work?

Typically, traction elevators contain elevator sheaves inside the elevator shaft which control the entire operation. These elevator sheaves act as pulleys, holding the elevator cables. That way, they control the system’s lifting motions and traction.

An electric motor drives the sheaves, which connect all of the belts. As the electric motor rotates the sheaves, the cables move the elevator upward or downward. A counterweight rotation design keeps the elevator balanced while reducing the required power–it’s a fairly efficient system.

The Traction Elevator’s Most Notable Benefits

What is a traction elevator? Now that you have an idea of how traction elevators work, you may be asking what the benefits are beyond energy efficiency.

Here are a few reasons so many buildings choose this elevator type:

  • Speed: Traction elevators are the fastest type, making them ideal for tall buildings.
  • Capacity: The reinforced design allows traction elevators to safely support more weight.
  • Space: Traction elevator setups take up less space than other types.
  • Reliability: With their efficient mechanisms, smoother operation, and robust support, traction elevators tend to last longer.

The Disadvantages of Installing a Traction Elevator

While traction elevators may be fast, energy-efficient, and highly capable, the main drawbacks include the following:

  • More expensive to install and maintain.
  • Louder operation at high speeds.
  • Heavy requirements to meet the ASME Elevator Code.

Despite these considerations, traction is still the most common type of elevator you’ll find in any modern installation.

Best Traction Elevator Applications

Why are traction elevators a top choice for mid-to-high-rise buildings? They’re fast, reliable, and energy-efficient, carry heavy loads, and move smoothly.

That’s why you’ll find traction elevators in:

  • Hotels.
  • Apartment complexes.
  • Office buildings.
  • High-rise industrial buildings.
  • Condos.
  • And more.

Installing a Traction Elevator? Stay Up-to-Code With Our Elevator Monitoring System

What is a traction elevator? Whether you have Schindler, Johnson, or TK Elevator in traction models or other types of elevators, you’ll want an advanced, up-to-code video monitoring system! Get your around-the-clock monitoring team and keep people safe in your elevator–call ELEVATE Monitoring today at 877-990-9191!

5 Common Elevator Malfunctions a Monitoring System Can Prevent


Common elevator malfunctions are inconvenient. More importantly, these malfunctions might put your building’s occupants in dangerous situations if you haven’t installed an advanced elevator monitoring system or performed regular preventive maintenance.

Wouldn’t you like to ensure the proper functioning of your building’s elevators, ultimately keeping employees, tenants, and occupants safe? Read on to see what can go wrong and how these elevator monitoring systems could prevent or mitigate those risks for you.

#1 Power Failures

If you think of safety concerns in an elevator and you’ve watched a few films, power failures are usually the first thing that comes to mind. When a severe storm or an electrical shortage causes your building to lose power, even for a moment, the elevator might stop with its passengers inside it. While most modern elevators have mechanisms to prevent the cab from plummeting during any power outage, some systems still get “stuck.”

With an elevator monitoring system in place, you can immediately detect this loss of power and act. The elevator will kick into standby power mode, canceling any future elevator calls. It will then lower the passengers already inside the cab to the nearest floor stop, open the doors, and let them out.

#2 Misaligned Motors or Other Components

Elevators are complicated machines with numerous moving parts. Every part must stay in perfect alignment for proper functioning, so wear and tear is a problem. Misaligned motor drives within the elevator shaft, for example, are concerning and cause more damage to other components if left to operate like that.

Previously, you likely wouldn’t be aware of this safety hazard until your next regular maintenance appointment. With an intelligent elevator monitoring system, common elevator malfunctions should occur less often, especially when you catch misaligned motors and similar issues early.

#3 Shaky Movements or Rough Stops From Worn Sheaves

Beyond elevator entrapments or misalignment, there is also the question of a rough landing in an elevator causing injury and other issues. Traction elevators have sheaves that act as pulleys, holding the elevator cables. This system operates the traction and lifts up the cab, but when the sheaves’ grooves wear out, nothing runs smoothly.

With an elevator monitoring system, you can stay on top of it before passengers experience a shakier elevator ride or rough stops.

#4 Mechanical Failures and Sensor Malfunctions

Basic mechanical failures affect elevator doors, delay operations, cause erratic cab movements, and lead to overheating.

For example, if the elevator door sensors don’t align, the doors can close on passengers, causing severe injuries. An elevator monitoring system lets you know when to reset these calibrations.

#5 Overheating

Lastly, the ASME Elevator Code requires proper elevator machine room ventilation to prevent overheating. Maintenance will address poor ventilation, mechanical failures, or overuse, but what about those repair concerns in between visits?

Elevator monitoring systems’ full system reports help you keep your building up to code.

Keep Everyone Safe With Our Elevator Monitoring System

Can an innovative elevator monitoring system prevent common elevator malfunctions? Yes!

View our guide on elevator traffic analysis to safeguard your building’s occupants, and then call ELEVATE Monitoring at 877-990-9191!

Does an Elevator Require a Dedicated Phone Line?

Does an Elevator Require a Dedicated Phone Line

What would happen if your elevator broke down with several riders inside? Could they easily call for help, or would they be stuck inside the cab for hours? If the latter is your answer, you need to install an elevator phone system immediately.

Does an elevator require a dedicated phone line? Yes, but you don’t necessarily need a POTS (plain old telephone service) phone line to meet communication standards for elevators. Learn more about your options below.

Elevator Communication Requirements

Per the ASME elevator code, all elevators in your building must be equipped with an emergency communication system. Such a system allows riders to contact emergency personnel should something go wrong.

Your elevator communication system must also meet the following requirements:

  • 24/7 availability. You can never turn the phone system off, even after hours.
  • Hands-free operation so people who cannot use their hands may call for help. Old elevators had handsets, but they are no longer allowed.
  • Backup power. Your system must continue to work in the event of a power outage.
  • Audible and visual signals. Your system must be easily identifiable by all riders, including those who are sight-impaired or hard of hearing.
  • Regular testing and maintenance. You must regularly test the system to ensure that it functions properly.

Elevator Emergency Communication Options

Does an elevator require a dedicated phone line? Yes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re stuck using a copper POTS line.

Cellular lines are a great choice. They’re wireless and keep working even if the power goes out. However, these lines aren’t ideal in areas with poor cellular reception.

VoIP (voice over internet protocol) lines are another option. These lines use the internet to process voice calls. Your building will need robust, reliable internet service if you want to go this route.

What’s the Cheapest Option?

A cellular line is a great pick if you’re on a tight budget. Compared to dedicated POTS lines, which can cost over $200 a month, you can get a cellular line for as little as $30 per month.

If you don’t already have an elevator phone, you’ll need to consider the cost of installing one. A new elevator phone costs about $200 to $500, although some fancy models cost up to $1,000.

Don’t Forget About Elevator Monitoring Services

It’s not enough to install a dedicated phone line for elevators and call it a day. You must connect your telephone connection for lifts to a monitoring service that can answer calls for help 24/7.

You could hire additional staff to monitor the phones for you, but this is a huge expense that most businesses can’t afford. That’s why it’s better to pay a monitoring company, such as ELEVATE Monitoring, to handle the job for you. If something goes wrong, we can call the correct personnel, whether a maintenance crew or emergency responders.

Learn More About Elevator Phone Line Regulations

Does an elevator require a dedicated phone line? Yes, but you don’t need a POTS line to comply with the ASME code. To learn more about elevator modernization, call ELEVATE Monitoring at 877-990-9191.

The Six Types of Elevator and How To Choose One

The Six Types of Elevator and How To Choose One

Thinking of buying a new elevator or two for your building? It’s a big investment, so you want to choose the right one. With so many elevator varieties on the market, it’s hard to know which type suits your building’s needs.

Below, learn about six different elevator types from our elevator answering service professionals.

Types of Vertical Transport

There are many kinds of elevators, from standard geared traction elevators to air-driven ones (also called vacuum elevators). We’ll go over the various categories next.

1. Traction Elevator

This is probably the first thing that comes to mind when imagining an elevator. Traction elevators have ropes to raise and lower the car. They are speedy and have a counterweight system to offset the weight of the car and its riders.

Traction elevators come in two types: geared and gearless. Geared elevators have a motor with a gearbox and can travel up to 250 feet. Gearless elevators can travel up to 2,000 feet, so if you have a skyscraper, it’s a no-brainer to choose this variety.

2. Hydraulic Elevator

Hydraulic elevators have a piston at the bottom that pushes the car up. When the car goes down, the elevator’s valve releases hydraulic fluid from the piston.

Conventional and roped hydraulic elevators can travel about 60 feet. Hole-less hydraulic elevators (elevators with no sheave under the pit) can travel 50 feet (or 20 feet if the elevator has non-telescoping pistons).

3. Machine Room-Less (MRL) Elevator

This is one of the best types of elevator if you care about energy conservation and complying with the ASME elevator code. Unlike most elevators with a machine room above the shaft for maintenance, an MRL elevator lacks such a room. This shaves weight off the cab, allowing it to work more efficiently.

MRL elevators can travel up to 250 feet at speeds of 500 feet per minute.

4. Vacuum (Air-Driven) Home Elevator

As the name implies, air-driven elevators rely on air movement and pressure to raise the car. Pushing the “down” button releases that pressure, allowing the car to drop.

Vacuum elevators are quite small, so they usually only fit one passenger at a time, making them ideal for residential properties.

5. Freight Elevator

Freight elevators are suitable for moving heavy loads of cargo. They’re primarily used in commercial properties, but you might also find freight elevators in high-rise apartment buildings. Residents certainly appreciate the convenience (no one wants to lug hefty furniture up 10 flights of stairs, after all).

6. Stage Lift

Stage lifts are mostly used in auditoriums, concert halls, theaters, and the like. You might also find stage lifts on construction sites, as they’re helpful when hauling heavy equipment to higher levels.

Our Monitoring Systems Support All Elevator Varieties

Now that you’ve learned about a few different types of elevators, call ELEVATE Monitoring at 877-990-9191 to learn more about elevator classifications. We can also help you understand essential elevator upgrades, such as an elevator monitoring system.

Understanding the Significance of Elevator Traffic Analysis

Understanding the Significance of Elevator Traffic Analysis

Have you ever wondered whether your elevators are operating at peak efficiency? Without a proper elevator traffic analysis, it’s impossible to know for sure.

Learn about traffic pattern evaluation below, then call us to discover why an elevator monitoring system is necessary for your building.

What Is Elevator Traffic Assessment?

An elevator traffic assessment tells you whether your elevator can handle your building’s traffic demands. Are your elevators too small? Do visitors wait too long for an elevator to arrive on their floor? Elevator traffic analysis can answer questions like these.

What Does Vertical Transportation Analysis Include?

Elevator usage assessment studies the following:

  • How many riders can comfortably fit into an elevator car at once
  • How long visitors wait for an elevator to arrive, on average
  • Peak usage times (when riders tend to use your elevators the most)
  • User patterns

That last one is especially important. Studying user patterns can help you identify bottlenecks and problems with your elevator system that might otherwise go undiscovered. For instance, do visitors take the stairs more often at a certain time of day? That might indicate your elevators aren’t equipped to handle traffic at peak usage times.

Understanding Elevator Flow Analysis

Elevator traffic analysis takes place during a five-minute peak period. It measures several characteristics, which you can then compare to industry standards to see how your elevators measure up. You can also compare your elevator’s performance to that of a more modernized elevator system (helpful if you’re considering an upgrade).

For elevator traffic analysis, you’ll want to pay attention to two measures of performance:

  • Quality of service: Includes the number of car departures within a five-minute peak period
  • Quantity of service: Includes the number of visitors the elevator serves within the five-minute peak period. You can calculate the quantity of service by multiplying the number of car departures within five minutes by the number of passengers in the car.

These measures are influenced by:

  • The number of people in the building (called the working population)
  • The number of elevator cars and their capacity, acceleration, jerk, and door operating times
  • Predominant traffic flow (one-way or two-way)
  • Elevator control system (conventional collective control or destination hall call control)
  • Number of floors served
  • Entrance and exit floors

Let’s talk more about predominant traffic flow. Should you measure one-way traffic (passengers primarily moving in one direction) or two-way traffic (passengers moving in both directions)?

That depends on the type of building you have. Measure one-way and two-way traffic for car park and office vertical transport optimization. Measure two-way traffic for hotels, apartments, and retail stores.

Perks of Elevator Traffic Analysis

Perks of flow analysis include:

  • You can determine whether you have enough elevators to handle your building’s traffic during peak operating hours.
  • You can identify maintenance issues before they require costly repairs.
  • You can determine whether your elevators comply with the ASME elevator code.

Learn More About Traffic Pattern Evaluation

Want to discover more about elevator traffic analysis? Reach out to ELEVATE Monitoring at 1-877-990-9191. We can also explain a few reasons you need elevator monitoring services for your building.

Five Ways To Optimize Elevator Performance in Your Building

Five Ways To Optimize Elevator Performance in Your Building

If you own a high-rise building, you can’t expect visitors to trudge up and down 10+ flights of stairs. You need an elevator system that can withstand even the heaviest traffic.

Want to get the most out of your elevators? Check out these tips on boosting elevator performance, including conducting a traffic analysis, performing maintenance, and installing an elevator monitoring system.

1. Choose the Right Elevators for Your Building

If you want serious elevator efficiency, you can’t just install any old elevators in your building. That’s why you should carefully plan and design your elevator setup first.

Consider the height of your building. If it’s very tall, slow-moving elevators just won’t do. Your elevators should get people from point A to point B in a timely manner.

Elevator placement is another important factor. Install elevators in convenient places like lobbies and near entrances/exits.

How much weight will your elevators need to hold at peak demand? To arrive at this number, determine when your building gets the most traffic and make a head count.

2. Conduct Regular Maintenance

It pays to invest in elevator maintenance. Regular maintenance keeps your elevators operating smoothly and ensures optimal performance. It’s also a vital part of your duty as a property owner to keep everyone safe.

In addition, maintenance helps you identify small issues before they require wallet-draining repairs. Compare maintenance costs to dealing with a major malfunction, and it’s a no-brainer.

Elevator maintenance includes:

  • Replacing worn-out cables
  • Inspecting the hydraulic system
  • Testing the automation system
  • Ensuring that elevator doors open and close correctly
  • Changing oil
  • Looking for signs of damage in the car
  • Ensuring that the monitoring system can access emergency services

3. Perform a Traffic Analysis

A traffic analysis can help you identify weaknesses in your elevator setup. For the best vertical transportation performance and elevator reliability, consider the following:

  • How long visitors must wait for an available elevator
  • Which areas of your building get the most traffic
  • How many riders can comfortably fit in an elevator at once

4. Install Intelligent Tracking

If your building’s energy bills are sky-high, your elevators might be to blame. An intelligent tracking system can help you see how much energy your elevators use. Large energy spikes could indicate a poorly maintained or malfunctioning elevator.

5. Install an Elevator Monitoring System

Did you know that two-way video monitoring for elevators is now required by law? Such monitoring systems help you keep tabs on what’s happening inside your elevators. A monitoring system compliant with the ASME elevator code also allows you to communicate with riders in an emergency.

It’s not enough to just have a monitoring system. You’ll also need a reliable monitoring service provider, such as ELEVATE Monitoring, equipped to handle emergency calls from riders 24/7. If something goes wrong with your elevator, our monitoring service can instantly identify the malfunctioning car.

Learn More About Improving Elevator System Effectiveness

Want to learn more about improving elevator performance or how elevator modernization enhances ROI? Reach out to ELEVATE Monitoring at 877-990-9191. We offer 24/7 two-way elevator monitoring to help your business comply with the ASME code.

The Top Causes of Elevator Communications Failure

elevator communications failure

When the communication system in your elevator fails, passengers face immediate risks as your dispatchers can no longer assist. To prevent elevator communications failure, you must understand why it happens. Numerous concerns, from power outages to poorly trained dispatchers, can lead to a loss of communication in elevators.

This article discusses the top causes of elevator communication breakdown, so you know how to prevent the same malfunctions and stresses the importance of an iron-clad elevator phone system.

1. Power Failure

The most common cause of communication failure in elevators is loss of power. If your building loses power and you do not have a backup energy system in place, the elevator communication system will fail. Because of this, the International Building Code (IBC) requires any building over four stories high to have a backup generator or power system in place to prevent elevator intercom malfunction concerns and other risks during power outages.

How To Prevent This:

If your building’s power shuts down, elevator passengers may become trapped, so they must be able to communicate with responders. You can prevent an elevator phone outage by installing a backup generator or other emergency power system to kick in whenever your building goes dark. Not only will this keep your building up to code, but it will also ensure your elevator and its communication systems continue working during a power outage.

2. Equipment Malfunctioning

A long list of items can malfunction, causing elevator communications failure. Here are some common examples:

  • Faulty wiring
  • Electrical shorts
  • Dirty connectors
  • Lack of proper inspections
  • Background noise malfunctions
  • Non-adjustable to suit site conditions
  • Improper installations

How To Prevent This:

To avoid loss of communication in elevators due to malfunctioning equipment, you must ensure your systems adhere to the ASME elevator code and the IBC’s strict standards. In doing so, you will need to schedule regular maintenance, safety checks, and inspections to ensure all technical components are up to date and in optimal condition. You may also work with a trusted provider like ELEVATE Monitoring for the latest, most code-compliant communication systems.

3. Poorly Trained Responders

Sometimes, communication system failure in elevators is due not to an equipment issue but a lack of knowledge on the part of responders. Communication failure is inevitable if you connect your passengers with dispatchers who are not trained or knowledgeable enough to handle everything from minor elevator malfunctions to life-threatening emergencies.

How To Prevent This:

Choose a communication system that connects passengers 24/7 with highly trained, professional responders, such as our solution at ELEVATE Monitoring. Our wealth of experience in the elevator industry guarantees a seamless process from when a passenger makes a distress call to the arrival of first responders and other emergency personnel.

Prevent Communication Failure With ELEVATE Monitoring

At ELEVATE Monitoring, we provide comprehensive monitoring solutions to prevent elevator communications failure. Our systems feature advanced features like elevator access control and around-the-clock access to trained agents. Call ELEVATE Monitoring today at 877-990-9191 to learn more.

Who Answers Elevator Emergency Phone Calls?

who answers elevator emergency phone

You’re stuck inside an elevator, so you click the emergency call button, but what happens next? Who, if anyone, will answer? Learning the protocol for elevator distress calls is vital to keep your elevators up to code.

A code-compliant, feature-rich elevator answering service connects occupants with highly trained professionals ready to handle any situation. Below, we discuss who answers elevator emergency phone calls and what you need to know about different elevator emergency contact options to select the right answering system for your building.

People Who May Answer an Elevator Emergency Phone Call

In any standard building, three primary parties may be in charge of elevator emergency phone response:

1. Office Staff

In some cases, the building’s front desk staff may be in charge of handling elevator emergency phone calls. This option carries several risks. If the office staff does not receive the proper training for emergency phone protocol in elevators, they may not know how to respond appropriately.
Anyone responding to emergency phone calls should:

  • Know how to identify various elevator components quickly
  • Understand and be up to date on all elevator code requirements
  • Know how to navigate high-stress scenarios with a level head

In most cases, your office staff simply will not have the knowledge, skills, or experience to meet these qualifications. On top of this, your office staff would need to be available 24/7 if you have occupants using the elevator day and night.

2. 911 Dispatchers

When asking, “Who answers elevator emergency phone calls?” most assume the answer is a 911 dispatcher.

Some elevator owners program their emergency call buttons to contact 911 dispatchers directly. The benefit here is that the occupant connects immediately with someone who can send firefighters, an ambulance, or other first responders if necessary. Unfortunately, this procedure for elevator emergency calls does not work so well for simple technical malfunctions.

For instance, if the elevator gets stuck in a particularly large building and passengers need to direct first responders to where they are, they may have trouble pinpointing their location. This could lead to delays, increasing the chances of someone getting hurt.

3. Trained Emergency Dispatch Responders

Who else can you choose if 911 dispatchers and your office staff are not options? In this situation, trained emergency dispatch responders are the ideal solution.
By choosing a service like ELEVATE Monitoring, your phone system will allow occupants to connect 24/7 with a team of highly trained professionals who can handle any elevator emergency or malfunction. They know how elevators work and will be able to notify 911 dispatchers during an emergency.

Choosing the Right Answering Service for Your Elevators

Now that you know who answers elevator emergency phone calls, you can begin researching options for trained emergency dispatchers. By choosing a solution like ELEVATE Monitoring, not only will you receive a 24/7 response team, but you will also be able to make essential elevator upgrades with our comprehensive monitoring system. Call ELEVATE Monitoring today at 877-990-9191 to learn more.

Are Elevators Required To Be on Emergency Power?

are elevators required to be on emergency power

If you have an elevator in your building, you may have wondered what would happen if the power went out. Elevators typically have built-in response systems for power outages, but these don’t mitigate risks entirely. So, are elevators required to be on emergency power sources?

An advanced elevator monitoring system can help keep your building up to code. Below, we discuss the legal requirements for elevator emergency power sources and provide tips on selecting which backup to use.

Power Requirements for All Commercial Elevators

The International Building Code (IBC) and ASME elevator code regulate elevators across the United States. The IBC requires all elevator-equipped buildings of four or more stories to have backup power sources. These emergency power standards apply equally to passenger and fire access elevators.

According to the regulations for elevator backup power, passenger elevators should have emergency lighting to provide occupants with egress illumination, which marks pathways between elevators and emergency exits. The machine room and all ventilation systems should also have a backup power source.

Elevator emergency power regulations require an electrical engineer to verify that all components meet the strict elevator emergency power standards and that nothing will overload the generator. Only an expert can make this determination, so it’s in your best interest as a property owner to schedule periodic inspections from a professional.

Why You Need Backup Power for Elevators

So, are elevators required to be on emergency power? Yes, but why?

Mandatory elevator backup power ensures systems continue functioning during outages, which can be critical in tall buildings. For example, occupants could get stuck near the top if your 10-story building loses power during a storm. Add a hurricane, earthquake, or other hazardous weather event into the mix, and you have a recipe for disaster.

To avoid this scenario, install a backup power system and have it serviced regularly. Backup power sources keep elevators working properly during energy outages so occupants can safely continue their ride and maximize their chances of escaping unharmed.

Backup Power Considerations for Your Elevator

To meet the emergency power requirements for elevators, you have multiple options, such as the following:

  • Uninterrupted power supply: A UPS is less expensive and can provide a near-seamless power transition during an outage, though it may not sustain power for very long.
  • Backup generators: Generators may take a few seconds to kick in but generally provide power far longer than UPS systems, making them ideal for buildings with higher occupancies.

Generators come in gasoline and diesel models, each providing advantages and disadvantages depending on your budget and preferences. For example, diesel is less flammable and more cost effective over time, while gasoline costs less up front.

ELEVATE Monitoring: Keeping You Up to Code

Are elevators required to be on emergency power? Yes, as elevator modernization progresses, buildings must meet strict requirements to keep occupants safe. If you have yet to install an elevator monitoring system, contact ELEVATE Monitoring at 877-990-9191 to keep your building up to code.

How Often Do Elevators Need To Be Inspected?

how often do elevators need to be inspected

If you own a commercial building with an elevator, you must follow a regular elevator maintenance schedule to keep it in safe, working order for all occupants. Even knowing that, you may wonder: How often do elevators need to be inspected? Below, we discuss the recommended elevator inspection frequency and what to expect.

Elevator Inspection Requirements

When considering the issue of elevator safety checks, frequency matters. While most commercial elevators require yearly inspections, the laws on inspection intervals for elevators vary between states and counties per city ordinances, so you must check the regulations in your area. For instance, elevators in high-traffic environments may require inspections as frequently as every one to three months.

We cannot overemphasize the importance of creating a custom inspection plan to ensure legal compliance. Doing so also benefits the community by demonstrating your commitment to safety.

Considering the Inspection Requirements for Your Elevator

Elevator service and inspection timelines depend on the type of elevator you have and your traffic loads. Just because your state requires annual inspections does not mean you only need inspections once per year. Your elevator’s maintenance guide may recommend inspections every three months, so be sure to check with the manufacturer for more information.

If your elevator goes through constant use throughout the day, it will likely require inspections on a regular basis, perhaps monthly.

What Do Elevator Inspections Involve?

Now that you have the answer to “How often do elevators need to be inspected?” let’s discuss how you can prepare for the inspection. To do so, you must understand what the inspection process looks like.

If you know anything about how elevators function, it won’t surprise you to learn just how complex they can be. Because of this, inspectors examine far more than the components you can see. The inspection will go over the following:

  • The elevator car’s exterior, including door locks, firefighter’s service systems, etc.
  • The elevator car’s interior, including call buttons, handrails, lighting, etc.
  • The machine room and car top, including hoist ropes, roller guides, guide rails, etc.
  • The elevator pit, including the sump pump, buffers, etc.
  • The elevator monitoring system, emergency power supply, alarms, etc.

Preparing Your Elevator for Inspection

Much goes into preparing your elevator for inspection, as the safety codes continually update to minimize risks as much as possible. One of the latest elevator code updates requires two-way communication with audible and text features. If you have not already adopted such systems, you will need to do so before your next inspection.

So, how often do elevators need to be inspected? The answer depends on your elevator, but inspection requirements can range anywhere from once per month to once per year. Knowing the difference and scheduling accordingly will go a long way in ensuring the safety of all who use it.

Contact ELEVATE Monitoring today at 877-990-9191 to learn more about office building security and our elevator monitoring solutions so you can prepare for your next inspection.

Six Ways To Elevate Office Building Security

Office building security

It’s said that the best offense is a good defense, and that’s certainly true when it comes to office building security. Failing to install robust office security systems, such as an elevator monitoring system, is like leaving your house with the doors unlocked. It puts you at risk for theft, damage, and even sabotage from disgruntled employees.

Below, find corporate building security measures to protect your most vulnerable assets.

1. Add Access Control Systems

Access control systems, sometimes called mantraps, allow you to control who comes into your building. Mantraps consist of two locking doors and a small area where individuals must wait while security vets them for entry. If the person doesn’t have the right credentials, they’re not getting inside.

2. Install Video Surveillance and Alarms

Installing video surveillance and alarm systems is business property protection 101. Set up video cameras in highly trafficked and vulnerable areas, such as:

  • Parking lots
  • Entrances and exits
  • Waiting rooms
  • Reception areas
  • Server rooms

You should also install alarms for rooms containing sensitive equipment or data. They’ll alert you whenever someone tries to gain access.

3. Install an Elevator Monitoring System

Monitoring systems allow you to keep a close eye on elevator riders. You can watch riders in real time and alert security if you notice anything “off” about their behavior.

Elevator monitoring systems aren’t just for security. They can also alert you if there’s a malfunction or if someone inside the elevator needs help. Per the elevator ASME code, you need a monitoring system to alert you to problems like these.

4. Hire Commercial Building Security

Sometimes, the simplest solutions are the most effective. Having a security guard or two roaming your building could be enough to deter would-be thieves. You might also consider stationing a guard in the parking lot to serve as the first line of defense against troublemakers.

5. Protect Vulnerable Data

Physical office building security is important, but sometimes, it’s not enough to stop data thieves. Here’s how to keep your sensitive data safe:

  • Put strict controls on your data so only authorized people can access it.
  • Keep your systems backed up with the latest security patches.
  • Encrypt all data, both at rest and in transit.
  • Instruct employees to never leave their devices unattended without locking them.
  • Tell employees to watch out for shoulder surfing. With this tactic, an individual can learn someone’s password simply by watching them type it.

6. Pay for Security Audit

If you’re unsure where to begin with your building, consider paying for a security audit. The auditor will canvas your building for vulnerabilities and make a plan to help you rectify them. Security audits can be expensive, but they are far less costly than losing millions of dollars worth of data or equipment.

Secure Workplace Solutions From Elevate Monitoring

Got more questions about office building security? Want to know how elevator emergency phones work? Reach out to Elevate Monitoring to learn more about professional office security services. We offer robust monitoring solutions for every elevator in your building.

To find out more, call 877-990-9191.

How Elevator Modernization Enhances ROI

Elevator modernization

If you’ve got an older building with a rickety, ancient elevator, that’s a disaster waiting to happen. Your elevator may work fine today, but what happens if it fails with a load of riders inside? What if someone has a medical emergency while trapped in the car? Elevator modernization, and more specifically, an elevator monitoring system, helps you avoid such problems.

It’s true that good elevator monitoring systems aren’t cheap, but they offer an excellent return on investment. Learn how below.

Reassure Employees of Your Elevator’s Safety

Are you losing employees left and right? Your old, outdated elevator could be to blame.

Think about it: What employee wants to risk their safety by riding in an elevator that could give out at any time? If that elevator offers the only way to reach their desk, they might quit rather than take such a gamble.

If you’re having trouble keeping workers, investing in elevator upgrade services is a smart way to retain and attract employees.

Improve Elevator Efficiency

Modernizing building elevators is important if you’d like to keep your energy bills down. Older elevators are inefficient, and their operation can cost you a fortune each month. Upgrading to a newer elevator could reduce energy bills by 20% to 45%.

On top of that, you’ll spend less on repair bills. If your elevator breaks down more than a couple of times a year, it’s financially smart to upgrade.

Boost Your Building’s Value

Elevator modernization is a great way to boost the value of your building. You may not be planning to sell your office now, but if you ever put it on the market, an elevator upgrade can draw in interested buyers and potentially net a higher sale price.

Additionally, buyers won’t even consider a purchase if your building doesn’t meet the ASME elevator code. You’ll want to ensure your elevator is up to modern standards before listing the office for sale, and elevator refurbishment services can help you do that.

Prevent Costly Lawsuits

If your elevator fails with people trapped inside, it could spell financial disaster for your business. People with medical conditions, in particular, must be able to exit the elevator at any time. If they can’t, and something goes wrong, they are within their rights to sue you.

Contemporary elevator systems eliminate this problem. They feature video surveillance and two-way communication that allow you to talk with riders in an emergency. Should the worst happen, you can immediately dispatch maintenance staff and emergency services.

Learn More About Elevator Renovation Solutions

Elevator modernization offers an excellent return on investment for business owners. It may not be cheap initially, but you’ll quickly see the benefits, especially if you’re putting your building on the market.

If you’d like to upgrade your elevator but are having trouble choosing the right elevator monitoring company, reach out to us at Elevate Monitoring. We offer reliable monitoring systems and an answering service to keep your building ASME compliant.

To learn more about enhancing elevator performance, call 877-990-9191.

Four Essential Elevator Upgrades for Commercial Buildings

Elevator upgrades

If it’s been a few years since you paid attention to your elevators, you could be due for some modern elevator upgrades. Upgrading building elevators is the best way to keep guests safe and ensure an enjoyable ride.

Since you’ve got many elevator upgrades to choose from, such as an elevator answering service, it can be tough to choose the most essential ones. Below, find a few upgrades to consider that’ll modernize your building’s elevators.

Monitoring Upgrades

What happens if someone vandalizes your elevator or has a medical emergency while riding between floors? Without a monitoring system, you have no way of knowing what’s going on.

Monitoring systems provide a real-time video feed of everything happening in your elevator. If something goes wrong, you can call for an ambulance or maintenance staff.

Many older elevators have outdated monitoring systems. They provide a fuzzy, black-and-white video feed and little detail. Consider upgrading to a high-definition video system so you don’t miss anything in your elevator cab.

Security Upgrades

Let’s face it: Nobody wants to get into a cramped, dimly lit elevator with a bunch of strangers. That’s just asking for robbery, assault, or worse.

To protect your patrons, consider upgrading your lighting. LED lights are plenty bright and can last for years without needing to change the bulbs.

Elevator technology upgrades should also include alarms. Every elevator needs a clearly visible alarm button that riders can push if they’re in danger. The alarm should connect to a security service, ideally one that’s located onsite.

Emergency and Safety Upgrades

Per the ASME elevator code, all modern elevators must be equipped with several emergency features. One of these is a two-way communication system. You (or emergency personnel) and elevator passengers must be able to stay in touch at all times throughout the ride.

Other must-have safety features include the following:

  • Anti-slip flooring
  • Load capacity signs, as well as an alarm that alerts riders if they are exceeding capacity
  • Elevator buttons with braille
  • Adjustable cabin speed
  • A failsafe that takes the elevator to the nearest floor if there’s a power outage
  • Linkage to ensure the elevator door opens when the cab reaches its destination
  • Double-chain protection, which secures the cab should one chain fail

Aesthetic Upgrades

Aesthetic elevator upgrades aren’t necessarily a must-have, but they can make the ride more pleasant for your guests. Consider these:

  • Glass panels that allow riders to watch the scenery below
  • Handsome hardwood accents
  • Stainless steel handrails
  • Painted murals for elevator walls
  • Calming elevator music

Learn More About Our Efficient Elevator Enhancements

The modernization of elevators is critical for riders’ safety and comfort. Enhanced elevator systems offer robust security, but that’s not all. If you ever choose to sell your building, efficient elevator enhancements could help you get a higher selling price.

If you’re following the elevator code checklist and would like to learn more about our elevator improvement services, call Elevate Monitoring at 877-990-9191 to receive a quote for elevator upgrades today.

A Comprehensive Guide to Elevator Access Control

Elevator access control

If you own a corporate office building, you probably have an access control system at the entrance. But what about your elevators? If a bad actor gets off the cab at a restricted floor, they can wreak all kinds of havoc before you even have a clue that something’s wrong.

In addition to an elevator phone system, you’ll need to set up access control to prevent unauthorized people from going where they shouldn’t. Learn everything you need to know about enhanced elevator security below.

Types of Access Control for Elevators

Elevator access control comes in three types:

  • Single elevator access control is good for small buildings, such as apartments. You can set the elevator to stop on certain floors and even choose when people can and can’t ride the elevator.
  • Elevator banks are ideal for larger buildings with more than one elevator. Again, you can restrict the floors on which riders can stop the cab.
  • Smart elevators are the way of the future. They feature a designated control system (DCS) that requires riders to select the floor they want before getting into the cab. This is the perfect choice for those needing advanced elevator security.

Elevator Entry Management Configurations

You can set your elevator security systems up in a few different configurations, including the following:

  • Private elevator, general access: Riders must enter their credentials to use the elevator. After that, they’re free to choose any floor.
  • Public elevator, private access: Anyone can use the elevator but must supply their credentials to access specific floors.
  • Private elevator, selective floor access: This configuration features two layers of security and is ideal for buildings housing sensitive data and equipment. Riders must supply credentials to access the elevator and choose a floor.
  • Destination control system: This configuration doesn’t have buttons that allow riders to select floors. Instead, the elevator takes them to their designated floor based on their scanned credentials.

How Do Secure Elevator Access Controls Work?

Elevator access control systems have three main components:

  • An access authenticator system, which determines whether the rider has the credentials needed to access the desired floor. Riders can gain access by entering a code or scanning a keycard. Some elevators have biometric security that scans riders’ retinas or fingerprints.
  • An access control panel, which stores permissions.
  • Control buttons. Per the ASME elevator code, all modern elevators must have buttons for alarms and two-way communication with maintenance and emergency staff.

Connecting an Access Control System to Your Elevator

To set up your elevator access control system, you’ll need to connect its relays to the main unit. Depending on the system, you can do this with a power cable or USB cable. Cloud-based systems require the internet to function.

Learn More About Restricted Access Elevator Solutions

Want to learn more about elevator entry management? Reach out to Elevate Monitoring at 877-990-9191. We’ll help you choose the right elevator monitoring system for your building.

Elevating Hotel Guest Satisfaction with Advanced Elevator Technologies

Hotel Room

In the hospitality industry, the first impression is often the last impression. For many guests, their experience with a hotel begins the moment they step onto the elevator. This initial interaction sets the tone for their stay, making the reliability and efficiency of elevator services a critical aspect of hotel management. Incorporating advanced elevator monitoring systems is key to achieving this, offering a seamless experience that can significantly enhance guest satisfaction.

The Role of Elevator Monitoring System in Hotels

An elevator monitoring system plays a pivotal role in maintaining the operational efficiency of hotel elevators. By continuously tracking the status and performance of each elevator, these systems can identify issues in real-time, often before they escalate into larger problems that could impact guest experiences. This proactive approach to maintenance not only ensures elevators are functioning optimally but also significantly reduces downtime, a crucial factor in busy hotels where guest movement is constant.

Enhancing Reliability with Elevator Monitoring

The core of improving guest satisfaction lies in the reliability of service. Elevator monitoring systems provide hotel management with the tools needed to preemptively address potential mechanical failures and perform timely maintenance. This reliability translates directly into guest experiences, where the assurance of seamless access to their rooms and hotel amenities can make a significant difference in their overall stay.

Streamlining Operations with Modern Monitoring Technologies

Modern elevator monitoring technologies go beyond basic functionalities, offering features that can streamline hotel operations and guest services. For example, integration with hotel management systems can facilitate smarter allocation of elevators during peak times, reducing wait times and improving efficiency. Additionally, features such as customizable alerts and detailed performance analytics allow hotel staff to manage elevator operations more effectively, ensuring that guest mobility within the hotel is smooth and uninterrupted.

The Impact of Elevator Monitoring on Guest Reviews

In today’s digital age, online reviews can make or break a hotel’s reputation. Guests often mention their experiences with hotel facilities, including elevators, in their reviews. By investing in a reliable elevator monitoring system, hotels can positively influence these reviews. Satisfied guests are more likely to leave positive feedback, highlighting the efficiency and reliability of services, which in turn can attract more visitors.

A Step Towards Future-Ready Hospitality

As the hospitality industry evolves, so do the expectations of guests. Incorporating an elevator monitoring system is more than just an upgrade to hotel facilities—it’s a strategic investment in guest satisfaction and operational efficiency. By ensuring that elevator services are reliable, efficient, and responsive to the needs of guests, hotels can significantly enhance the overall guest experience, setting themselves apart in a competitive market.

Contact Elevate Monitoring Today

Elevate your peace of mind with ELEVATE. Our commitment goes beyond just monitoring elevators; we’re dedicated to providing unparalleled service and the most advanced technology to ensure safety and reliability around the clock. For over three decades, we’ve been setting new standards in elevator monitoring, offering our customers not just solutions but a promise of security, satisfaction, and attentive service that meets your changing needs. At ELEVATE, we believe in offering 360-degree coverage, every minute of every day, because your safety and peace of mind are our top priorities.

Interested in elevating your building’s safety and service? Reach out to ELEVATE today. For more information, visit our Contact Us page or give us a call at 877-990-9191. Let us show you why service is our trademark, and how our innovative solutions can provide you with the security and satisfaction you deserve.

Elevator Safety and Compliance: The Role of Regular Inspections and Monitoring Systems

Elevator maintenance

The Critical Nature of Regular Elevator Inspections

In the world of building management, ensuring the safety and efficiency of elevator operations is paramount. Adherence to the elevator code through regular inspections is not just a regulatory requirement; it’s a fundamental practice that safeguards passengers and enhances the longevity of the elevator systems. This article delves into the importance of these inspections and the role of advanced elevator monitoring systems in maintaining compliance and safety standards.

Ensuring Safety Through Compliance

Regular elevator inspections are essential for identifying potential mechanical failures, wear and tear, and other safety hazards before they lead to serious incidents. These inspections, guided by the elevator code, help in maintaining elevators that are safe, reliable, and compliant with current standards. Moreover, regular check-ups minimize the risk of accidents, thereby protecting building owners from liability issues and ensuring the safety of the building occupants.

Elevator Code Compliance: A Moving Target

The elevator code, a dynamic set of guidelines, evolves to address new safety concerns, incorporate technological advancements, and improve accessibility. Keeping up with these changes can be challenging for building owners and managers. Regular inspections conducted by certified professionals ensure that elevator systems meet the latest standards, including those related to emergency communications systems like the elevator phone line.

The Role of Elevator Monitoring Systems

Modern elevator monitoring systems play a crucial role in facilitating regular inspections and ensuring continuous compliance with the elevator code. These systems provide real-time data on the elevator’s operational status, alerting maintenance teams to potential issues before they escalate into major problems. The integration of features like the elevator phone line in these systems enhances emergency communication, ensuring that help is readily available when needed.

Streamlining Inspections with Elevator Phone Line and Monitoring Technologies

Advanced monitoring technologies, including the elevator phone line, streamline the inspection process by providing continuous surveillance and diagnostics. These technologies can detect irregularities that might not be apparent during a standard inspection, enabling preemptive maintenance and repairs. This not only ensures compliance with the elevator code but also extends the lifespan of the elevator equipment, offering a more cost-effective solution for building owners.

Elevating Safety and Efficiency

The importance of regular elevator inspections cannot be overstated. They are a critical component in ensuring the safety, reliability, and compliance of elevator operations. By leveraging advanced elevator monitoring systems and adhering to the latest elevator code, building owners can ensure their elevators are safe and efficient. In doing so, they protect their occupants, their investment, and their reputation, reinforcing the vital role of technology in modern building management.

Contact Elevate Monitoring Today

Elevate your peace of mind with ELEVATE. Our commitment goes beyond just monitoring elevators; we’re dedicated to providing unparalleled service and the most advanced technology to ensure safety and reliability around the clock. For over three decades, we’ve been setting new standards in elevator monitoring, offering our customers not just solutions but a promise of security, satisfaction, and attentive service that meets your changing needs. At ELEVATE, we believe in offering 360-degree coverage, every minute of every day, because your safety and peace of mind are our top priorities.

Interested in elevating your building’s safety and service? Reach out to ELEVATE today. For more information, visit our Contact Us page or give us a call at 877-990-9191. Let us show you why service is our trademark, and how our innovative solutions can provide you with the security and satisfaction you deserve.

The Future of Vertical Mobility in Smart Buildings

Smart buildings

Elevators in the Era of Smart Buildings

The evolution of smart buildings is redefining the expectations from building technologies, pushing the boundaries of convenience, safety, and efficiency. At the heart of this transformation are elevators, which are no longer just transport mechanisms but integral components of a building’s intelligent ecosystem. The integration of elevator monitoring systems into the fabric of smart buildings marks a significant leap towards creating more responsive and user-centric environments. This article delves into how modern elevators, equipped with advanced monitoring systems, are evolving to meet and exceed the demands of contemporary urban living.

Elevator Monitoring Systems: The Brain Behind Smart Elevators

Elevator monitoring systems are at the forefront of this evolution, serving as the brain that enables elevators to communicate with the building’s broader smart infrastructure. These systems gather and analyze data in real-time, from usage patterns to operational status, facilitating preemptive maintenance and immediate response to issues. By predicting and addressing potential problems before they affect users, these systems ensure elevators operate with maximum reliability and efficiency.

Aligning with New Elevator Code for Enhanced Safety

The integration of elevator monitoring systems also aligns with the new elevator code, which emphasizes enhanced safety and accessibility standards. The code mandates the adoption of technologies that can provide immediate assistance and information to passengers, a requirement that smart elevators fulfill effortlessly. Through features like two-way communication, emergency alerts, and real-time monitoring, smart elevators not only comply with the new regulations but set a new standard for safety in vertical transportation.

Responsive and Adaptive: Elevators That Learn and Predict

One of the most exciting developments in smart elevator technology is the capacity for adaptability and learning. Elevators can now adjust their operations based on real-time data, such as optimizing travel times during peak hours or reducing energy consumption during off-peak times. This responsiveness to the building’s rhythm enhances user experience by minimizing wait times and ensuring a smooth flow of traffic throughout the building.

The Role of Elevator Monitoring Systems in Energy Efficiency

A significant advantage of smart elevators is their contribution to a building’s energy efficiency goals. Elevator monitoring systems can identify patterns and implement strategies to reduce energy usage without compromising service quality. From regenerative drives that recapture energy to strategically timing elevator movements to reduce power consumption, these systems play a crucial role in the sustainable operation of smart buildings.

Conclusion: A New Horizon for Elevator Technology

As smart buildings continue to evolve, the role of elevators as dynamic, intelligent systems will only grow in importance. Integrated with advanced elevator monitoring systems, elevators are set to become more than just transportation within buildings—they will be pivotal in enhancing safety, efficiency, and user satisfaction. As we look to the future, it is clear that the intersection of elevator technology with smart building standards, including adherence to the new elevator code, will redefine our expectations of vertical mobility in urban spaces.

Contact Elevate Monitoring Today

Elevate your peace of mind with ELEVATE. Our commitment goes beyond just monitoring elevators; we’re dedicated to providing unparalleled service and the most advanced technology to ensure safety and reliability around the clock. For over three decades, we’ve been setting new standards in elevator monitoring, offering our customers not just solutions but a promise of security, satisfaction, and attentive service that meets your changing needs. At ELEVATE, we believe in offering 360-degree coverage, every minute of every day, because your safety and peace of mind are our top priorities.

Interested in elevating your building’s safety and service? Reach out to ELEVATE today. For more information, visit our Contact Us page or give us a call at 877-990-9191. Let us show you why service is our trademark, and how our innovative solutions can provide you with the security and satisfaction you deserve.

Enhancing Accessibility in Elevators: The Role of Elevator Code and Monitoring Technologies

Enhancing Accessibility in Elevators

Elevators as a Gateway to Accessibility

Accessibility in public and private spaces is not just a legal requirement; it’s a fundamental aspect of inclusive design. Elevators, pivotal in multi-story buildings, have evolved significantly under the guidance of updated elevator codes to meet the accessibility needs of individuals with disabilities. This evolution is supported by advancements in elevator monitoring and technology, ensuring that elevator services are not only compliant with accessibility standards but also reliable and efficient.

Elevator Code and Accessibility Standards

The elevator code serves as a critical framework for ensuring that elevators are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. It outlines specific requirements such as elevator dimensions, control panel placement, and audible signals, which are designed to make elevators usable by individuals with various disabilities. Compliance with these codes is essential, not only to meet legal standards but to foster inclusivity.

The Impact of Elevator Monitoring on Accessibility

An elevator monitoring company plays a vital role in maintaining the accessibility features of elevators. By continuously monitoring elevator functionality, these companies can promptly identify and address issues that may hinder accessibility, such as malfunctioning voice announcements or braille buttons. This proactive approach ensures that elevators remain accessible at all times, significantly reducing downtime and inconvenience for individuals with disabilities.

Advanced Technologies for Enhanced Accessibility

Beyond basic compliance, advanced elevator technologies are being developed to further enhance accessibility. Features like voice recognition, adjustable control panels, and smartphone integration allow users with disabilities to operate elevators more independently and comfortably. These technologies, supported by robust elevator monitoring systems, offer a more personalized and responsive elevator experience, catering to a wide range of accessibility needs.

Elevator Monitoring Companies: Partners in Accessibility

Choosing the right elevator monitoring company is crucial for building owners and managers committed to improving accessibility. A company experienced in monitoring elevators for accessibility compliance can ensure that elevators are not only up to code but also equipped with the latest technologies to enhance usability for people with disabilities. This partnership is essential for maintaining the reliability and efficiency of accessible elevator services.

Moving Towards More Accessible Elevators

The integration of elevator monitoring and advanced technologies has the potential to transform elevators into truly inclusive modes of vertical transportation. As elevator codes evolve to include more stringent accessibility requirements, the role of elevator monitoring companies becomes increasingly important. By ensuring compliance and fostering innovation in elevator technology, we can significantly improve the accessibility and independence of individuals with disabilities, making our buildings more welcoming and inclusive for everyone.

Contact Elevate Monitoring Today

Elevate your peace of mind with ELEVATE. Our commitment goes beyond just monitoring elevators; we’re dedicated to providing unparalleled service and the most advanced technology to ensure safety and reliability around the clock. For over three decades, we’ve been setting new standards in elevator monitoring, offering our customers not just solutions but a promise of security, satisfaction, and attentive service that meets your changing needs. At ELEVATE, we believe in offering 360-degree coverage, every minute of every day, because your safety and peace of mind are our top priorities.

Interested in elevating your building’s safety and service? Reach out to ELEVATE today. For more information, visit our Contact Us page or give us a call at 877-990-9191. Let us show you why service is our trademark, and how our innovative solutions can provide you with the security and satisfaction you deserve.

Understanding IBC 2021: Essential Changes and Updates

Elevator accessibility

Elevator safety codes ensure that all occupants can safely access your building’s elevators and reach emergency personnel if something goes wrong. Code requirements update relatively frequently, so you must keep an eye on the latest changes to keep your building compliant. Below, we discuss essential changes in the International Building Code (IBC) 2021, so you know how to update your building accordingly.

Why the ASME Elevator Code and IBC Continue Evolving

Elevator codes have required buildings to provide elevator phones since 1976, though communication regulations get stricter every few years. The ASME and IBC continue refining regulations to make elevators safer and more accessible for all individuals.

For example, say someone with a speech impairment gets stuck in an elevator. If they press the help button, the operator will ask them what’s wrong, but they won’t be able to respond. In this scenario, the emergency responder would not know what’s going on in the elevator and may even assume the call was an accident.

Without multiple communication channels, like text and video, elevators are not safe for all occupants. IBC 2021 makes elevators more accessible for all individuals.

Essential Changes to IBC in 2021

In 2021, IBC updated its regulations to match much of what the ASME previously adopted. Here are the essential changes and updates that came with IBC 2021:

  • Elevators must provide two-way communication with both visual text and audible communication features.
  • Each mode should enable communication between elevator passengers and the operator.
  • Passengers should be able to choose between audible and text-based communication based on their preferences and abilities.
  • The emergency communication system should be operational whenever the elevator is in use.
  • Authorized emergency personnel must be able to view the elevator’s cabin via video monitoring technology.

An Example of the New Elevator Code in Practice

To understand how the new elevator code enhances building safety, let’s view how it will work in a practical example:

  1. An emergency occurs inside one of your elevators.
  2. A passenger presses the emergency call button for help.
  3. The operator responds with a verbal message.
  4. The operator views inside the cab using video monitoring to confirm that a passenger is inside. They can also use this feature to see what is going on.
  5. If the passenger does not communicate back verbally, the operator can post a visual message on the screen.
  6. The passenger can respond to their message using the elevator buttons for yes and no responses.
  7. The passenger and operator can continue communicating with verbal or text responses to resolve the emergency. The operator can view the situation in real time using video monitoring to mitigate hazards.


If your elevator doesn’t meet the new IBC 2021 requirements, ELEVATE MONITORING can help. We offer code-compliant elevator communication solutions with the latest features like two-way communication, text responses, video monitoring, 24/7 answering services, and more. Call ELEVATE MONITORING today at 877-990-9191 to learn more about our code-compliant elevator response system.

How To Locate Your Elevator Phone Number

Red elevator call button

Your building’s elevators must have up-to-code communications systems so occupants can make emergency calls. Locating your elevator phone number is vital in testing whether your system is up to code. Read on to learn how to find the phone number associated with your elevator to avoid fines, unhappy residents, and safety hazards.

Locating Your Elevator’s Phone Number by Testing the System

You should always know your elevator’s phone number for appropriate two-way communication and building safety. You likely dedicated a phone number during installation and programming, but you may not be able to locate this information anymore. If you don’t know the number, you’ll need to test the system’s compliance with ASME and ADA codes by making an outward call to emergency personnel.

1. Enter the Elevator Cabs and Call Emergency Personnel

You and another tester must first catch a ride on two separate elevator cabs. Once inside, activate the elevator phones simultaneously.

The two phones should be in use at the same time. You and the other tester should each be able to talk to an emergency operator. If either phone cannot connect or becomes disconnected when the other goes through, your elevator does not meet the code.

Once you have reached emergency personnel, ensure that you can hear them and that they can hear you. The other tester should confirm the same.

2. Ask for the Elevator’s Location and Phone Number

Now that you’re on the line with an emergency operator, ask them to provide your elevator phone number and address. One of the most important aspects of elevator compliance is ensuring that first responders can locate your elevator during emergencies. The operator should be able to tell you the elevator’s correct address and phone number without you telling them first.

3. Call the Number Associated With Your Elevator

Now that you know the phone number associated with your elevator, you must place a call to ensure it’s correct. You can use an office or cell phone to place the call. If the call doesn’t go through and the elevator phone does not ring or automatically answer, your elevators are not compliant.

When you can’t make calls to your building’s elevators, you do not have two-way communication. You may need to contact your phone’s manufacturer to address the issue or consider upgrading your communication system.

Need Help Getting Your Elevator Up to Code?

After locating your elevator phone number, you may have discovered that your building’s elevators aren’t up to code. If so, we can help get everything in your elevator system up to speed with expert solutions, the latest upgrades, and the most reliable equipment.

At ELEVATE MONITORING, we provide advanced two-way communication systems for elevators that meet all code standards for safe and efficient operation. Our video elevator specialists have over 30 years of experience creating smarter, better, and safer elevator solutions. Call ELEVATE MONITORING today at 877-990-9191 to discover how we can upgrade your elevator’s communication system.

Elevator Code Checklist: Are You Up to Standard?

Elevator call button

If you have an elevator in your building, you must keep it up to code to avoid hefty fines and other complications. Elevator code ensures that passenger elevators, platform lifts, and stairway chairlifts are safe and convenient for all building occupants. Read on for our complete elevator code checklist based on regulations set by the ASME, ADA, IBC, and NEC.

ASME Code Requirements

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) provides a complete safety code for elevators that most inspectors use as their guide when looking at your building. Here are the items you should be aware of:

  • Machine/control room: The elevator pit and control room must be clean and dry while meeting the manufacturer’s temperature and humidity requirements. Lighting requirements apply as well. The room should have a fire extinguisher and smoke detector.
  • Emergency communication functionalities: Elevator cars should have two-way communication, a 24-hour live monitoring service, accessible messaging for hearing- or speech-impaired individuals, and video footage that authorized personnel can access.
  • Additional equipment: The building must have smoke detectors in various locations, with an emergency signal in the elevator if one of the smoke detectors is triggered.

Additional regulations apply, which you can find by reading the full ASME elevator code.

ADA Elevator Requirements

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires buildings to ensure that occupants with disabilities can safely and easily access property elevators. You must verify the following:

  • Elevators are on an accessible route that complies with the ASME
  • Elevator cars automatically self-level
  • All call buttons are centered 42” above floor height
  • Call buttons have visual indicators, are flushed from their surface, and are larger than ¾”
  • Objects below call buttons do not protrude more than 4” into the lobby
  • Hoistways provide visible and audible signals indicating when and where the elevator cab will arrive
  • Elevator hoistway entrances provide raised and braille floor indications
  • Elevator doors automatically open and close within the appropriate minimum times
  • The elevator doors provide enough space for wheelchairs to enter
  • Floor surfaces are slip-resistant
  • The highest aspect of the elevator’s emergency communication system is 48” or lower

Additional specifications and requirements apply to the above regulations. You can find detailed explanations of all requirements by reading the full ADA standards.

International Building Code Regulations

The International Building Code updates every year. Some of the latest developments include requiring appropriate smoke and fire dampers within elevator machine/control room venting and two-way communication systems at the landing serving each elevator when a building has multiple floors above or below the exit level. Read the full IBC standards to learn more.

NEC Elevator Code Regulations

The National Electric Code (NEC) also enacts elevator regulations that you should be aware of. All the top items you must verify revolve around setting up your circuits, outlets, and other electrical components to prevent over-surges and fire hazards. We recommend reading the full list of regulations or having your electrician conduct an inspection.


If you need help meeting the elevator code, call ELEVATE MONITORING today at 877-990-9191 to speak with our elevator monitoring specialists.

Balancing Insurance and Liability: The Impact of ASME Elevator Code Compliance on Building Owners

Building Insurance

For building owners, understanding and adhering to the ASME elevator code is not just about ensuring the functionality and safety of elevator systems—it’s also a key factor in managing insurance and liability issues. This is particularly relevant with the recent emphasis on two-way video elevator monitoring, a standard that significantly affects both compliance and risk management.

ASME Elevator Code Compliance: A Gateway to Reduced Liability

Compliance with the ASME elevator code, including the integration of two-way video elevator monitoring, is essential in minimizing liability risks. By adhering to these standards, building owners can demonstrate due diligence in maintaining safe elevator operations, a critical factor in the event of incidents or accidents.

How Compliance Affects Insurance Premiums

Insurance companies often assess a building’s risk profile based on compliance with safety standards like the ASME elevator code. Implementing advanced safety measures, such as two-way video elevator monitoring, can lead to more favorable insurance terms, potentially lowering premiums due to reduced risk of accidents and liabilities.

Two-Way Video Elevator Monitoring: Enhancing Safety and Compliance

The addition of two-way video elevator monitoring in the ASME elevator code reflects a commitment to enhanced safety and accessibility. This technology not only ensures compliance but also provides real-time monitoring and communication in emergencies, further reducing the likelihood of incidents and the associated liability.

Legal Implications and the Importance of Compliance

Non-compliance with the ASME elevator code can have significant legal implications for building owners. In the event of elevator-related incidents, the absence of mandated safety features like two-way video monitoring can lead to increased liability, legal penalties, and damage to the owner’s reputation.

Proactive Measures for Building Owners

To stay ahead, building owners should:

  1. Regularly review and update their elevator safety protocols to align with the latest ASME elevator code.
  2. Invest in two-way video elevator monitoring systems to enhance safety and compliance.
  3. Work closely with insurance providers to understand how compliance affects their coverage and premiums.

A Win-Win for Safety and Liability Management

Adherence to the ASME elevator code, especially regarding two-way video elevator monitoring, is a win-win for building owners. It not only enhances the safety of the occupants but also positions the owners favorably in terms of insurance premiums and liability management. Proactive compliance is key to fostering a safer environment and ensuring peace of mind in the complex world of building management.

At ELEVATE MONITORING, we are dedicated to helping building owners navigate the complexities of the new elevator code. Our state-of-the-art monitoring solutions and expert team ensure your elevators meet 2024 standards, providing safety, compliance, and peace of mind. Contact us at 877-990-9191 to learn more about how we can assist you in complying with the new elevator code and enhancing the safety of your building’s elevators.

Navigating 2024 with the New Elevator Code: Essential Guide for Building Owners

Elevator with Open Doors

As we step into 2024, it’s crucial for building owners to stay informed about the latest advancements and requirements introduced by the new elevator code. Understanding these changes is key to ensuring the safety of your building’s elevators and remaining compliant with industry standards.

Understanding the 2024 Elevator Code Changes

The new elevator code, introduced as a response to evolving safety needs and technological advancements, focuses on enhancing the accessibility and security of elevator operations. One of the significant changes is the mandatory implementation of two-way video monitoring systems in elevators, a crucial step towards accommodating the needs of all passengers, including those with disabilities.

Why Compliance with the New Elevator Code is Critical

  1. Safety for All Users: The new code aims to make elevators safer for every passenger, including those with hearing or speech impairments, by introducing two-way video communication.
  2. Legal Compliance: Adhering to the latest code is not just about improving safety; it’s also about meeting legal requirements to avoid penalties and liabilities.
  3. Modernizing Elevator Systems: The code encourages the adoption of the latest technologies, ensuring your building stays up-to-date with current safety and efficiency standards.

Steps to Comply with the New Elevator Code

  1. Assess Your Current System: Evaluate your existing elevator systems to identify what upgrades are needed to meet the new code requirements.
  2. Choose the Right Partners: Work with a reputable elevator monitoring company that understands the nuances of the new code and can provide the necessary technology and expertise.
  3. Implement Required Changes: Whether it’s installing two-way video systems or upgrading other components, ensure your elevators are fully compliant with the new standards.
  4. Regular Maintenance and Updates: Stay informed about any further updates to the elevator code and maintain a regular check on your systems to ensure ongoing compliance.

The Role of Elevator Monitoring Companies in 2024

With the new elevator code in place, partnering with a knowledgeable and experienced elevator monitoring company becomes more crucial than ever. These companies not only provide the technology required for compliance but also offer 24/7 monitoring services to ensure the safety and efficiency of your elevators.

Ensuring Elevator Safety and Compliance in 2024 with ELEVATE MONITORING

At ELEVATE MONITORING, we are dedicated to helping building owners navigate the complexities of the new elevator code. Our state-of-the-art monitoring solutions and expert team ensure your elevators meet 2024 standards, providing safety, compliance, and peace of mind. Contact us at 877-990-9191 to learn more about how we can assist you in complying with the new elevator code and enhancing the safety of your building’s elevators.

Elevate Safety with Emergency Elevator Monitoring: ADA Compliant Solutions

ADA Elevator

In the realm of high-rise building safety, emergency elevator monitoring has emerged as a crucial element, especially in light of the new American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) elevator code. This update mandates two-way video monitoring in elevators, primarily to aid hearing-impaired passengers, marking a significant step forward in accessibility and safety compliance.

24/7 Monitoring vs. Traditional Answering Services

Contrasting with the limitations of traditional elevator answering services, 24/7 emergency elevator monitoring provides instant, effective two-way communication. This real-time interaction is essential for promptly addressing emergencies, offering a superior solution that meets the latest ASME code and ADA standards.

Adherence to ADA Standards with Advanced Elevator Monitoring

The integration of two-way video monitoring in elevators is not just a technological leap; it’s a compliance necessity under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This feature enhances safety for all passengers, especially those with hearing or speech impairments, by enabling visual assessment and effective communication during emergencies.

Innovations in Emergency Elevator Monitoring Systems

Modern emergency elevator monitoring systems transcend traditional voice communication. They incorporate video feeds for a comprehensive cabin view, facilitating quicker and more informed responses in critical situations. These advancements are pivotal for predictive maintenance and reducing potential safety risks.

Selecting a Comprehensive Emergency Elevator Monitoring Service

When it comes to choosing an emergency elevator monitoring service, it’s crucial to opt for a provider that offers round-the-clock monitoring by trained professionals and adheres to the latest ASME and ADA standards. Services like ELEVATE MONITORING not only fulfill these requirements but also enhance safety and ensure compliance.

Elevate Your Building’s Safety with Our Expert Monitoring Services

Elevate your building’s safety standards with our expert emergency elevator monitoring services. Compliant with the latest ASME and ADA requirements, ELEVATE MONITORING provides 24/7 monitoring, two-way video communication, and predictive maintenance features. Ensure the highest safety for your elevators by contacting ELEVATE MONITORING at 877-990-9191 for more information. Let us help you meet modern safety standards and provide peace of mind for your building’s occupants.

Choosing the Right Elevator Monitoring Company: A Guide for New Building Owners


As a new building owner, selecting the right elevator monitoring company is a critical decision that impacts the safety and efficiency of your property. With the ever-evolving standards and technologies, understanding what to look for in an elevator monitoring service is essential for both compliance and peace of mind.

Understanding the Importance of Elevator Monitoring

Elevators are a vital part of modern buildings, offering convenience and accessibility. However, they also come with responsibilities, including regular maintenance and emergency preparedness. An effective elevator monitoring company plays a crucial role in addressing these needs, ensuring that your elevators are safe, compliant, and efficient.

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Monitoring Service

  1. Compliance with Codes and Standards: Ensure that the elevator monitoring company adheres to the latest ASME and ADA standards, including the recent requirement for two-way video monitoring in elevators.
  2. 24/7 Monitoring Capabilities: Look for a company that offers round-the-clock monitoring. This ensures immediate response to any emergencies or technical issues, minimizing downtime and enhancing passenger safety.
  3. Advanced Technology and Features: A reputable company should offer the latest in elevator monitoring technology, including video surveillance, two-way communication, and predictive maintenance tools.
  4. Expertise and Training: The company’s staff should be well-trained and experienced in handling elevator emergencies and maintenance issues. Their expertise is crucial for effective and swift problem resolution.

The Benefits of Choosing the Right Elevator Monitoring Company

Selecting the right elevator monitoring company offers numerous benefits:

  • Enhanced Safety: Continuous monitoring and quick response to emergencies improve overall safety for building occupants.
  • Compliance Assurance: Staying compliant with building codes and ADA standards is easier with a professional monitoring service.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Preventative maintenance and swift emergency handling can save significant costs associated with elevator repairs and legal liabilities.

Partnering with a Trusted Elevator Monitoring Company

As a new building owner, partnering with a trusted elevator monitoring company like ELEVATE MONITORING can make all the difference. We offer comprehensive elevator monitoring solutions that meet the latest safety standards and technological advancements. Our team of certified professionals is available 24/7, ensuring that your building’s elevators operate smoothly and safely.

Elevate Your Building’s Elevator Safety and Compliance

Ensure the safety and efficiency of your building’s elevators with ELEVATE MONITORING. Our advanced monitoring solutions and expert team are dedicated to providing you with the highest standard of safety and compliance. Contact us at 877-990-9191 to learn more about our services and how we can help you meet the demands of modern building management.

Elevating Team Expertise: Training Strategies for the ASME Elevator Code

Emergency elevator button

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) provides a safety code for elevators and escalators your building must follow to provide safe and code-compliant operation. The ASME elevator code updates relatively frequently, making training your property team on all the latest requirements challenging. Below, we discuss everything you need to know about the latest code revisions and team training strategies for ensuring safety and compliance in your operations.

New Elevator Code Requirements

In March 2019, the ASME enacted new elevator code requirements. ASME A17.1 covers the design, construction, installation, operation, inspection, testing, maintenance, alteration, and repair of elevators, hoisting and lowering mechanisms, power-driven stairways and walkways, and their associated parts, rooms, or spaces.

The latest revision covers a range of safety and accessibility standards. One major revision to the code is the new requirement for all buildings with elevators to provide visual communications systems. This version remains in effect as of March 2019.

The new elevator code requirement provides improved communication for hearing-impaired passengers and boosts safety for all building occupants, as video monitoring can improve resolution times during malfunctions and help agents aid passengers during emergencies. The documentation includes a range of additional requirements you can find by viewing the full catalog of standards.

Training Your Team on Elevator Code Updates

As the ASME elevator code evolves, you must train your building team on the updated mandates to ensure full safety and compliance in your operations. Whether you have an on-site elevator answering service that must be prepared to handle emergent scenarios or a third-party dispatch team, all of your property maintenance staff should be well versed in the updated elevator codes.

To start, all of your building owners, operating managers, lessees, and anyone involved in managing the building elevators should study the full ASME code A17.1 documentation as well as the Guide for Emergency Personnel. The guide covers the following:

  • Rescue team training
  • Elevator evacuation procedures
  • Rescue operations following a natural disaster
  • Elevator system lockdown procedures
  • Firefighters’ service operating procedures
  • Standby power operations

You should continually train your team on these procedures to ensure everyone’s skills stay sharp. Team members should receive a full refresh course on all changes each time the code updates.

Ensuring Safety and Compliance With Elevator Video Monitoring

Elevator video monitoring is an excellent way to ensure the safety and compliance of your building’s operations. Video monitoring solutions allow you to view exactly what happens inside each cabin in real time for immediate responses, two-way communication, and safe operating. Ensure all video monitoring operators on your team have the proper training to handle any scenario that could occur, or select an option like ELEVATE MONITORING that provides a team of 24/7 U.S.-based trained and certified operators.

Are You Interested in Two-Way Video Elevator Monitoring?

Training your team to adhere to the ASME elevator code shouldn’t be hard. If you want to integrate intuitive two-way video elevator monitoring at your property that comes with a team of trained operators ready to handle any situation, call ELEVATE MONITORING today at 877-990-9191 to learn more.

Integrating Elevator Video Monitoring: A Step-by-Step Guide for Modern Buildings

Woman in elevator

Are you ready to integrate elevator video monitoring into your building but don’t know where to start? If so, this article will walk you through the upgrading process.
As a property owner, you understand the need to follow the proper elevator codes while ensuring passenger safety. Video monitoring solutions help you do that and more. Read on to learn how to select and implement the right elevator monitoring solution for your needs.

1. Things To Consider Before Selecting an Elevator Monitoring System

Knowing some key factors will help guide your selection of a new elevator monitoring system. We recommend considering the following:

  • Code requirements: Your building must meet each elevator code requirement to safely and legally operate. For example, you are required to have text-based and visual communication in place to ensure that passengers with hearing impairments or other disabilities can communicate with agents in an emergency.
  • Cost: You likely have a budget you need to maintain when upgrading your monitoring solution. When comparing options within your price range, remember that some solutions can lower your building’s energy costs over time, ultimately saving you money.
  • Building occupancy and load: If your building has a relatively high occupancy level for the number of elevators, creating high wait times, you may want to consider a smart solution to reduce downtime with features like destination dispatching and surge predictions.
  • Key features: The most innovative elevator video monitoring solutions provide a range of helpful features, like remote controls, predictive maintenance insights, and more. We recommend considering which features your building needs.

2. Upgrading from an Outdated Elevator Answering Service to a Specialized Emergency Monitoring Center

In the process of selecting a new elevator monitoring system, a pivotal decision involves upgrading your elevator answering service. Traditionally, buildings have relied on various types of answering services for elevator emergencies, but modern needs demand a more specialized approach. Consider these options:

  • Traditional Elevator Answering Services: Previously, buildings might have used basic office lines where staff members, not specialized in emergency response, handled elevator calls. While functional for everyday queries, this setup often falls short in actual emergencies.
  • Direct 911 Connection: As an alternative, some have opted for a direct link to 911 services. This ensures a response to emergencies but can also lead to unnecessary emergency dispatches for minor incidents.
  • Advanced Emergency Monitoring Center: A significant upgrade from traditional elevator answering services, companies like Elevate Monitoring specialize in emergency scenarios specifically related to elevators. Unlike general answering services, Elevate Monitoring provides a dedicated team trained exclusively in emergency response, ensuring quick, effective, and appropriate action in critical situations. This modern solution not only enhances safety but also offers efficiency and reliability, surpassing the capabilities of outdated answering services.

3. Tips for Integrating Your New Video Elevator Monitoring System

With the above factors in mind, perhaps you’re clear on the right solution for your building. If so, we recommend the following:

  • Select something that covers all your needs so you don’t need to install multiple platforms
  • Verify the platform’s compatibility with your elevators before purchasing
  • Request installation and onboarding from the company you choose
  • Train all of your staff members on the software

Ready for a Building Upgrade?

When you’re ready to upgrade your building’s elevator video monitoring, call ELEVATE MONITORING at 877-990-9191 to learn more about our highly advanced and cost-effective platform that connects passengers with our team of U.S.-based certified and trained operators.

Innovations in Elevator Emergency Phones: Enhancing Safety With Faster Response Times

Elevator up button

When entering an elevator, you trust that if anything were to happen, a team of experts would quickly resolve the malfunction and help you exit safely. Elevator emergency phone technology continues evolving to provide passengers with safer experiences and building owners with more efficient operating costs. Read on to learn about the latest innovations in elevator communication system technology.

Understanding ASME Elevator Code Requirements

Before diving into the most advanced elevator phone systems, you must understand the base level required for all elevators according to various building codes.

According to ASME elevator code 17.1, all elevators must have visual communication systems to provide better accessibility for disabled passengers. The 2021 International Building Code also mandates that elevator emergency systems provide video and text communication lines at all times.

Your building’s elevator must have an emergency phone that gives passengers multiple communication options, including live video and text.

Innovations in Elevator Communication Systems

Elevator emergency phone systems continue evolving to exceed code requirements, improve occupant safety, and increase building efficiency. Below are some of the top advancements in elevator phone technology you might consider for your building.

Elevator Video Monitoring

Elevator video monitoring provides full cabin visibility so agents can view any situation in real time. With elevator video monitoring, you can resolve malfunctions faster by gaining an interior view of the elevator. Elevator video monitoring can also improve passenger safety during emergencies, as trained agents can view any immediate dangers and advise passengers accordingly.

At ELEVATE MONITORING, our video monitoring solution includes two-way communication for reduced downtime and ideal accessibility.

Two-Way Communication

Two-way communication ensures your team of emergency personnel can gather full information from the passengers in the cabin during a malfunction. The best elevator telephone solutions offer numerous two-way communication channels, including a phone line, video option, and chat line for full accessibility. Providing numerous communication options ensures that every passenger, including those with disabilities, can seek help and understand their assistance options during a malfunction.

Call Forwarding

In a more traditional system, elevator phone lines connect passengers to a building staff member or 911. If the phone connects passengers to a staff member, the employee may not be trained enough to handle the situation. If the phone directly calls 911 each time the elevator malfunctions, you may have issues with police dispatches in non-emergency scenarios that only require a property manager or technician.

Call forwarding is an innovative elevator phone system solution that directs phone calls to highly trained agents with extensive experience in emergency scenarios and routine technical malfunctions. Our 24/7 staff can assess the problem, escalate the call to local authorities, or handle it remotely. At ELEVATE MONITORING, our U.S.-based operators are ADA and ASME code-compliant.

Meet the New Elevator Code by Upgrading Your Communication System Today

Meet the new elevator code requirements by upgrading your building’s elevator emergency phone system. Call ELEVATE MONITORING today at 877-990-9191 to learn more about our innovative elevator video monitoring and two-way communication solutions.

The Future of Vertical Transit: Advancements in Elevator Monitoring Systems for Predictive Maintenance

Elevator technician

With over 325 million people using elevators per day, it only makes sense that monitoring solutions continue advancing to improve the experience. Below, we discuss the latest elevator monitoring system advancements for predictive maintenance and reduced downtime.

The Latest Trends in Elevator Monitoring

The latest trends in elevator monitoring revolve around improving safety, reducing downtime, and boosting the passenger experience. As a building owner or manager, learning about these trends can help you discover new tech for streamlined operating costs.

1. Smart Monitoring for Predictive Maintenance

The latest elevator monitoring systems work as smart devices, syncing elevator data to provide you with key insights regarding the system’s health. With smart monitoring tools, you can detect when the building elevator requires maintenance services to prevent downtime, safety concerns, and expensive repair jobs. For example, you can view when the door sensor may be malfunctioning and repair the problem before an injury occurs.

2. Elevator Video Monitoring for Immediate Responses and Reduced Downtime

Elevator video monitoring and two-way communication provide passengers with 24/7 immediate communication with live agents in emergencies. Video monitoring solutions can reduce downtime during malfunctions by allowing trained agents to assess the situation from the inside immediately for heightened resolution times. The communication also improves safety during malfunctions, as experts can advise passengers on the best way to navigate emergency scenarios.

3. Destination Dispatch for Reduced Wait Times

Another major trend emerging in elevator monitoring system advancements is destination dispatch technology, which groups passengers based on where they’re traveling. For example, cabins may intentionally separate passengers traveling to higher versus lower floors to prevent unnecessary stops and reduce wait times. Destination dispatch technology can also reduce your building’s energy consumption by lowering the number of stops and trips.

4. Touchless Experiences

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, one major trend emerged that reshaped almost all industries: contactless experiences. In the elevator monitoring industry, touchless technology advancements include using keycards to call an elevator or requesting the destination via a smartphone app rather than manually clicking buttons.

5. Surge Predictions

The elevator and escalator industry continues evolving to reduce downtime and increase efficiency. Another major advancement forging this movement is surge predictions.
Surge prediction technology integrates with your elevators to anticipate when large groups of people may arrive. For example, the software can locate when a train may arrive or a sporting event will end.

Through this technology, the elevators can have cabs ready in the correct position to handle the increased passenger load. Surge predictions can reduce elevator waiting times while boosting the building’s efficiency.

Are You Interested in Video Elevator Monitoring?

You can boost your building’s safety and efficiency with video elevator monitoring. If you’re interested in upgrading your elevator monitoring system, look no further. At ELEVATE MONITORING, we provide highly advanced, on-trend, and cost-effective monitoring solutions connected to our team of U.S.-based certified and trained operators.

Call ELEVATE MONITORING today at 877-990-9191 to learn more about our elevator monitoring solutions.

Elevator Code Evolution: How Modern Tech Meets Regulatory Standards

empty elevator

As elevator technology evolves, elevator safety measures do, too.

In 1900, the first high-speed elevators were installed in U.S. buildings. Since then, elevator video monitoring has become the standard. Meeting standards in the new elevator code is essential to the safety of your building’s occupants.

What Is Elevator Monitoring?

Elevator monitoring is a safety and surveillance measure for elevators. It is the process of installing technology like emergency buttons, touch screens, phones, and cameras in elevators. This elevator technology helps prevent disasters by detecting defective parts and notifying when it’s time for elevator maintenance.

Elevator monitoring also provides access to immediate assistance for passengers in emergencies. When a passenger presses the emergency button, it should connect them with a live operator instantly.

With elevator video monitoring, this operator will also have access to visual, real-time footage of the elevator. The advancement of elevator monitoring technology has prompted changes in elevator safety codes, building regulations, and expectations for vertical transportation.

The Evolution of Elevator Regulations

The first elevator regulations appeared between 1911 and 1914 when elevators were still a new technology. These codes were local-based and had little consistency.

In 1918, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Committee on Protection of Industrial Workers designed official regulations to amend this problem. Early regulations focused on elevator design, structure, and capacity. Then, in 1945, ASME added requirements for an emergency stop button and telephone to the elevator code following an elevator operator strike.

Today, there is also a focus on security and monitoring. The need for effective emergency communication became more apparent over the years, resulting in technological advancements like two-way elevator video monitoring systems. One of the most significant changes in elevator code in recent years came with ASME elevator code 17.1 standards.

ASME now requires all elevators to have visual communication systems. This gives passengers with hearing difficulties and other disabilities access to emergency services.

Similarly, the International Building Code (IBC) 2021 states that all elevator emergency systems must offer text and video communication at all times the elevator is in operation. Your regulatory compliance with these standards gives passengers the ability to get help promptly in emergencies.

Evolving Technology Making Elevators Safer for All

Evolving technology influences the elevator code. With more access to safety technology like video monitoring and touch-screen communication systems, elevators become safer for everyone.

Passengers have the right to feel safe on elevators regardless of their ability. Complying with these new safety standards benefits everyone. Passengers feel safer as they ride the elevators in your building, and you can rest assured that there are safety measures in place to help them in emergencies.

Prioritize Safety and Service With ELEVATE Monitoring

Are the elevators in your building up to code? Are they meeting the newest safety regulations?

Now that you’ve brushed up on your elevator code knowledge, contact ELEVATE Monitoring to learn how you can enhance your elevator’s monitoring systems. We value safety and high-quality service above all. Call 877-990-9191 today to learn more.

Why You Need Video Elevator Monitoring Now More Than Ever

group of people in elevator

You want your building to be safe, but you can’t be everywhere all the time. With enhanced surveillance technology, you can carefully monitor every corner of your building — including the elevators.

Since occupants and visitors only spend a few minutes in your elevators at a time, you may not think to prepare for emergencies in them. This can be a detrimental mistake. Elevators come with various risks and security threats. Protect your building and its occupants with elevator video monitoring.

Elevator Security Threats and Safety Concerns

A lot can go wrong in the few minutes a passenger spends in an elevator. Understanding these risks ahead of time will help you better respond to them if they occur.

  • Closing Doors: When the sensors on an elevator door don’t detect a passenger, it can close on them or their clothing. This results in serious injuries due to the pressure of the door. If passengers need emergency assistance, it’s vital they can call for help immediately.
  • Elevator Malfunctions: Even with the best maintenance, elevators malfunction. When passengers are stuck in an elevator, many will panic.
  • Medical Emergencies: An unrelated medical emergency, such as a sudden injury, heart attack, or other health issue, requires immediate attention. If a passenger has a medical emergency on an elevator, they may be unable to exit it themselves.

How Video Elevator Monitoring Can Help

So, how can video elevator monitoring tackle these issues? While it can’t prevent all of these hazards, it can help you take the necessary action when they do happen.


Elevator video monitoring is the tool you need to act efficiently in elevator emergencies. With traditional elevator phones and security systems, the audio-only service causes confusion. Confusion leads to wasted time, which is the last thing you want in an emergency. Two-way communication via video is more efficient and improves passenger safety.


The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) now requires elevators to have accessible emergency systems for disabled passengers. Video elevator monitoring systems comply with this elevator code and are more accessible to passengers who are non-verbal, deaf, or unable to use an audio-only system.

Continuous Surveillance

With 24/7 remote monitoring centers like those at ELEVATE Monitoring, someone is always available to evaluate risks with visual access to the elevators. A video monitoring system can help keep passengers calm and collected by providing swift communication and action.

Elevator Security Technology Is Advancing Beyond Audio-only Elevator Phones

With pioneers of the elevator monitoring industry like MAD Elevator, K-tech, and Mosaic One, access to surveillance technology for heightened elevator security measures is more accessible than ever.

When you work with this technology, you have full access control while enhancing building safety. All systems ELEVATE Monitoring works with are ASME- and ADA-compliant.

Put Safety First With ELEVATE Monitoring

Don’t wait to act. When elevator emergencies happen, you want to be prepared. Use the ever-evolving technology at your fingertips to support the safety of your elevators, building, and its occupants. To learn more about elevator video monitoring systems, call ELEVATE Monitoring today at 877-990-9191.

How Two-Way Video Monitoring Is Enhancing Communication & Safety

Elevator call button

Emergencies can happen in a split-second, even during short elevator rides. When there is an emergency in an elevator, whether it be a malfunction or a medical emergency, fast action is essential.

Ensuring the safety of your building’s occupants should be at the top of your priority list as a property manager or building owner. You can’t control everything that happens in your building, but you can enhance your communication and safety with two-way elevator video monitoring.

How Two-Way Elevator Video Monitoring Systems Work

In a traditional elevator surveillance system, there is an emergency button for passengers to press if they are in distress. Typically, the system will forward them to a 911 operator or an automated answering system. If the passenger becomes unresponsive, the operator may hang up.

This ineffective system prohibits passengers, especially those who are nonverbal or hard of hearing, from gaining the help they need. With a two-way video monitoring system, the passenger will instead receive an immediate response from a 24/7 operator who can see inside the elevator.

If the passenger doesn’t respond, operators have access to video surveillance systems. This visual will either prompt them to dispatch emergency services or confirm that there is no active emergency.

How Two-Way Video Monitoring Systems Improve Safety

Two-way video monitoring systems take elevator safety to the next level with improved security technology and response times.

Timely Response

Elevator video monitoring allows for a timely response even if the passenger cannot communicate with an operator. Instead of waiting for someone to find the passenger in the elevator, they can dispatch emergency services immediately. Even a minute can make a huge difference in an emergency.

Communication Enhancement

With a video monitoring system that offers two-way communication and video, operators can assess the issue quickly and calmly. If the passenger is responsive, having a visual helps the operator talk them through their next steps.

ASME Compliance

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) publishes the safety code for elevators. All elevators in the United States must have accessible safety measures and emergency systems for passengers who are hard of hearing or nonverbal. This requirement is in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Your buildings’ occupants deserve to feel safe regardless of their abilities, and two-way video monitoring achieves this.

Evolving Technology Means Evolving Safety Measures

With innovative monitoring systems and elevator phones from manufacturers like K-tech and Wurtec, you can improve the safety of your building and its occupants.

WUR-COM is a multimedia communicator that uses audio, text, and touch-screen communication methods. In an elevator emergency, you want your passengers to have access to an efficient elevator phone and emergency system. The technology is available; all you need is to set it up and partner with a monitoring company with operators available 24/7.

Enhance Communication and Safety With ELEVATE Monitoring

ELEVATE Monitoring is your answer for increased elevator safety.

If you want to transform elevator safety in your building with a two-way elevator video monitoring system, contact ELEVATE Monitoring. We prioritize safety and quality service above all. 877-990-9191 to learn more.

The Rise of Two-Way Elevator Video Monitoring in Elevators

Elevator buttons

If you’re a property owner or manager, you know your building has to have a quality elevator monitoring system. As convenient as elevators are, they can present dangers. If the elevator malfunctions or if there is a medical emergency inside the elevator, you want the passengers to be able to call for help as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately, the old elevator monitoring systems just aren’t cutting it. Don’t worry, there’s a solution. Two-way elevator video monitoring is revolutionizing the safety of elevators. With this system in place, you can rest assured that your elevators and their passengers are in good hands.

The Evolution of Elevator Monitoring

Traditional elevator monitoring systems were very bare-bones in terms of service. If a passenger pressed the emergency button, it would place a call to a monitoring station. If there was no response from the passenger afterward, the monitor would hang up and assume it was a mistake. What if it wasn’t? What if the passenger couldn’t speak but needed help?

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ (ASME) safety code for elevators initiated new policies to account for situations like this. The 22nd edition of ASME’s code requires emergency communication systems to be available to hearing-impaired passengers. Most elevators in the United States don’t meet this building security requirement.

Now, new elevators must feature two-way communication and elevator video monitoring to improve convenience and assist hearing-impaired, nonverbal, or unconscious passengers in an elevator emergency.

Advantages of Elevator Video Monitoring

Installing a new monitoring system in your building’s elevators may seem like a hassle, but the advantages include more than just mandatory compliance with regulations. The benefits of installing two-way video monitoring are well worth the effort.


Traditional elevator monitoring is not accessible to every passenger. Passengers who are hard of hearing, nonverbal, or have another disability cannot easily communicate using an audio-only system. With two-way video elevator surveillance, emergency services have become more accessible.

Code Compliance

With video security systems, you are complying with ASME’s new requirements. These requirements align with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which makes public spaces more accessible, among other things.

Timely Response

Time is of the essence in any emergency. Without the confusion that occurs with audio-only systems, you can reach passengers in need faster. Two-way video real-time monitoring systems streamline the emergency response process to prevent accidents, injuries, and tragedies.

Transforming the Elevator Monitoring Industry

Manufacturers like Rath and MAD Elevator are transforming the elevator monitoring industry. With Rath’s SmartView 2 and MAD Elevator’s Mosaic One systems, responders have immediate access to real-time video of the elevator as soon as a passenger is unresponsive after pressing the emergency button. If they confirm the passenger requires assistance, they quickly dispatch emergency services.

ELEVATE Your Elevator Monitoring Systems Today

Elevator safety is a vital part of every building’s operation. It can be difficult to stay up to date with evolving technology and safety standards, but ELEVATE Monitoring can help. Our operators are available 24/7, and each of our elevator video monitoring systems is ASME- and ADA-compliant. For more information, call 877-990-9191 today.

Reducing Liability From an Elevator Emergency

Group in Elevator

If you own a building with elevators, you want to do everything possible to prevent an elevator emergency. A secure elevator system will help keep your tenants, clients, workers, or visitors safe.

What if you follow all elevator maintenance recommendations to a T, but an emergency still occurs? You must confirm that your elevator monitoring system is ready to handle emergency calls, or you risk a major liability lawsuit and serious harm to your reputation. Learn how to ensure you follow the ASME elevator code.

Preventing Elevator Emergencies

The following simple steps will help you reduce the risk of elevator emergencies:

  1. Keep elevator equipment clean. Dirt or dust accumulation and water leaks can harm elevator machinery. A buildup of dust can also trigger an allergic reaction if a dust-sensitive person gets stuck in the elevator car.
  2. Invest in elevator maintenance. Schedule an elevator inspection at least once a year and follow your elevator technician’s recommendations regarding maintenance and repair.
  3. Note and address any mis-leveling. Even slight mis-leveling indicates worn-out brakes and can become a serious problem unless you resolve it quickly.

Always provide clear, brief elevator safety guidelines in your building’s lobby. Warn elevator users against dangerous behaviors like rushing into an elevator while the doors are closing or trying to force their way out of a stuck elevator. Stress that elevator use during a fire emergency is strictly forbidden.

Ensure Your Emergency Call System Is Code Compliant

As a property owner, you have a duty to keep all elevators in your building safe and functional. This includes installing a secure and reliable monitoring system to ensure a swift response in an elevator emergency. Ensuring your elevator monitoring is up to code improves user safety and reduces the risk of liability lawsuits.

If you’re adding new elevators to your building, the emergency monitoring system will likely need to include two-way video and text communication per the updated IBC and ASME guidelines. This type of communication system helps the monitoring staff provide a faster, more accurate response in an emergency.

Test Your Elevator Emergency Phones

You may rely on your monitoring system to handle emergencies, but if your elevator phones fail code, you risk a tarnished reputation, heavy fines, and costly liability claims. Our team at Elevate Monitoring can test your existing emergency call system for ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and ASME compliance.

You can also start by testing your elevators with a helper. One simple but effective test is riding two elevators in the building and using the emergency call buttons simultaneously. If only one call goes through, or if the emergency operator can’t determine your location and elevator number without you telling them, your elevator phones aren’t ADA compliant.

Handle Emergencies Properly and Reduce Liability With Elevate Monitoring

Is your building prepared for an elevator emergency? Elevate Monitoring can help ensure your emergency elevator phones comply with the current code. Call 877-990-9191 or contact us online to consult our elevator monitoring experts.

Elevator Code: Elevator Safety Codes from IBC 2021

Elevator Shaft

The IBC (International Building Code) and ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) recently introduced updated elevator code requirements. Specifically, emergency phones in new elevators should provide video and text communication to accommodate people with hearing and speech impairments. Learn more about the updated standards for elevator phones.

Why Buildings Are Adopting Elevator Video Monitoring

Emergency phones have been a mandatory feature in elevators since 1976. A two-way emergency call system makes elevators much safer, but voice-only communication has significant drawbacks.

For instance, let’s say a speech-impaired person is stuck in an elevator and presses the emergency call button but can’t explain the situation. The monitoring center operator has no way of knowing what’s going on or even whether the call indicates a genuine emergency.

The updated IBC 2021 elevator code mandates a two-way elevator communication system that includes video and text. Such systems make emergency calls much easier for deaf and non-verbal passengers and allow operators to view the situation inside the elevator in real time.

The Updated IBC Elevator Code

In 2018, the IBC stated that emergency call systems in elevators must provide a way for passengers to communicate through video and text. In 2021, the updated elevator code added some specifics. The core of the current code states that:

  • Elevators will provide a two-way emergency communication system with audible and visual text modes
  • Each mode will enable interactive communication between the passengers and the elevator monitoring staff
  • The passengers may choose an audible or text-based mode per their convenience or ability
  • The emergency communication system will be operational whenever the elevator is in use
  • Authorized emergency personnel will be able to view in-elevator video footage

These new code-compliant monitoring systems help centers respond more quickly and efficiently in emergencies.

How Does Video Elevator Emergency Communication Work?

If your state has adopted the updated elevator code, any new elevator systems or elevators that undergo major upgrades must provide emergency two-way communication that includes video and text. This is how it works:

  1. A passenger presses the emergency button to call for help.
  2. The monitoring center receives the call while an encrypted tunnel opens for text and video.
  3. The monitoring operator verbally answers the passenger’s call.
  4. If the caller doesn’t respond, the operator can view the elevator camera to confirm there’s a passenger in the elevator.
  5. If the elevator is occupied, but the passenger doesn’t (or can’t) communicate verbally, the operator can post text messages via an in-elevator screen.
  6. Elevator users can answer yes/no by pressing designated buttons.

Even if the passenger never communicates beyond pressing the help button, the video footage of a person in the elevator is enough for the monitoring operator to dispatch emergency help.

Elevate Monitoring: Advanced Video Call Solutions for Elevator Systems

Are you preparing to install a new elevator system or upgrade your elevators? Call Elevate Monitoring at 877-990-9191 or fill out our online form to learn about innovative emergency call solutions that comply with the ASME elevator code.

The Types of Emergency Elevator Phones

Woman in elevator with two way monitoring

Since 1976, every building with elevators has had to provide emergency elevator phones. Twenty-four-seven monitoring enhances elevator safety, protects passengers’ peace of mind, and helps building owners avoid lawsuits.

You may have heard about different types of elevator phone systems, like POTS, VoIP, and cellular. Today, two-way video monitoring is quickly gaining headway in elevators. Learn more about different types of elevator emergency call setups.

Plain-Old Telephone Service (POTS)

Many buildings still use landline phones, a.k.a. POTS, for their reliability and stability. A landline will keep working during a power outage, which is a big advantage for an elevator emergency call system. However, for better or worse, landlines are disappearing, and most new buildings use other types of phone technology for elevator monitoring.

Voice-over-IP (VoIP)

VoIP is a convenient and affordable method for taking calls via the Internet. However, VoIP requires a solid power supply and a reliable Internet connection, making this technology vulnerable in emergencies.


As you probably know, cell phones don’t work well in elevators because of the elevator system’s concrete and metal construction. Cellular emergency elevator phones overcome this obstacle by using an external transceiver that communicates with the in-elevator cellular unit. This type of elevator phone needs a steady power source with a solid backup to stay reliable.

Elevator Video Monitoring

The future of elevator emergency response belongs to video monitoring. The current ASME safety codes require new elevator systems to include two-way video communication systems with text options.

Video phones in elevators eliminate many of the shortcomings of standard voice-only phones. For instance, a video call system with text:

  • Makes emergency calls possible for passengers who are deaf, struggle with a hearing impairment, or can’t communicate verbally for any reason
  • Facilitates more intuitive and efficient communication in emergencies
  • Allows the emergency operator to see what’s happening in the elevator car
  • Enables the operator to confirm that there’s a person stuck in an elevator, even if the passenger never communicated beyond pressing the emergency button

Eventually, following the new elevator code, all buildings nationwide will switch to the new emergency call system.

Choosing the Right Emergency Phone System for Your Building

So, do your elevators need a two-way video call system for emergencies, or is a traditional voice-only setup enough? This depends on which set of ASME guidelines your state follows.
Generally, if you’re adding a new elevator system to your building or making major changes to your existing system, you’ll likely need to transition to a two-way video emergency call system with text. Switching to an upgraded emergency call system will also help you make your elevators safe, stay ahead of code, and avoid liability.

Our team at Elevate Monitoring can help you choose the right monitoring system and ensure your emergency elevator phones are reliable and code compliant.

Upgrade Your Emergency Response Solutions With Elevate Monitoring

Unsure what type of emergency elevator phones your building needs? Call the Elevate Monitoring team at 877-990-9191 or contact us online for a quick, reliable consultation.

The Importance of In-Facility Monitoring: Elevator Phones

Elevator Monitoring

Reliable, easy-to-use elevator phones are a must for every building with elevators. These phones ensure quick communication between elevator users and a 24/7 monitoring center. So, how exactly does elevator monitoring work, and does your building need an in-facility response system?

Why Your Building Needs Elevator Monitoring

If your building has elevators, you need a secure monitoring system that includes elevator phones with 24/7 human response. Per updated ASME regulations, you’ll also need a video monitoring system if you’re installing new elevators or making major modifications to your existing ones. Code compliance will help you pass an elevator inspection and avoid heavy fines.

Apart from passing a building inspection, you need reliable elevator monitoring to:

  • Protect passengers’ peace of mind. Those anxious about using elevators will feel safer knowing your building has a secure 24/7 elevator monitoring system.
  • Ensure trained response to emergencies. Operators who answer elevator phones know how to handle an elevator emergency and ensure trained help reaches the elevator as soon as possible.
  • Protect your reputation. You must show your visitors, clients, or patients that your facility swiftly and efficiently responds to elevator emergencies.
  • Avoid liability. A reliable monitoring system will help you prevent stressful and costly liability lawsuits, which may occur if an elevator malfunctions and passengers don’t get quick help.

What Monitoring Operators Do

A trained elevator monitoring operator will:

  • Provide live, 24/7 human response
  • Help the elevator users understand the situation and give first-response instructions
  • If necessary, redirect the call to the appropriate emergency service or elevator technician
  • Reassure passengers, let them know qualified responders are on the way, and tell them when they may expect help to arrive
  • Ensure the appropriate medical or technical team arrives on site promptly

Remote vs. In-Facility Monitoring: What’s the Right Choice?

Most elevator monitoring centers work remotely, with staff answering calls from home since it’s a lot easier and more affordable than in-facility monitoring. While remote operators are an acceptable solution for many buildings, this choice always involves a security risk.

In a true elevator emergency, remote monitoring may create a time gap between the call and the response, which can compromise the safety of your elevator passengers. In some cases, it pays to invest in on-site monitoring. For example, if you run a hospital, a medical center, a large commercial center, or a facility that caters to people with disabilities, it may make sense to consider on-site monitoring for maximum elevator safety.

Not sure whether remote or in-facility monitoring will give you the right balance between security and value? Contact our team at Elevate Monitoring and learn which option makes the most sense for your building.

Elevate Monitoring: A-to-Z Elevator Safety Solutions

Are you looking for secure, ASME-compliant elevator safety solutions for your building? Whether you choose in-facility or remote monitoring, we at Elevate Monitoring are here to help keep your building safe. Call us at 877-990-9191 to learn more about our reliable elevator phones and advanced video monitoring solutions.

Why Elevator Phones Are Crucial in Emergency Situations


If you’ve never been in an elevator emergency, it can be hard to imagine the panic. Whether the elevator is stuck, there is a mechanical issue, or the threat is in the elevator, your tenant needs assistance as quickly as possible.

No one wants to be stuck in a metal box without the ability to communicate with the outside world. That’s why elevator phones are so crucial to elevator safety measures. Without a working emergency phone, your tenants can’t contact the necessary service providers if there is an issue.

ELEVATE Monitoring provides 24/7 answering services for elevator emergency calls. Contact us to learn more about what we offer.

What Are Elevator Emergency Phones?

Elevator emergency phones are located on the walls of every elevator in a small box. They serve as direct lines of communication between the caller and a monitoring center like ELEVATE Monitoring.

Monitoring centers take calls 24/7. When they receive a call, they will ensure the elevator passenger’s safety by talking them through a situation or dispatching emergency services.

Phones in Elevator Emergencies

During an elevator emergency, time is of the essence. A few minutes can make the difference between a tenant making it out of the elevator safely and being injured or worse. Elevator phones ensure these matters are dealt with efficiently.

Medical Emergencies

Often, people travel on elevators in groups. If someone collapses or needs immediate medical attention, it’s important that others in the elevator can contact help as soon as possible.

Similarly, if someone is unwell and is riding the elevator alone, they should be able to contact a monitor agent easily.

Mechanical Emergencies

As much as your maintenance team may try to prevent them, mechanical problems happen. Unfortunately, they can happen when passengers are already in the elevator. Access to emergency services is essential if the elevator suddenly stops, the door won’t open, or another malfunction injures someone.

Victims Seeking Refuge

If a threat is outside the elevator, a victim may find an elevator to seek refuge. In this event, having a phone to contact a monitor agent who can dispatch the police is crucial, if not life-saving.

ASME Elevator Code Regulations

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) elevator code requires every elevator to have an emergency phone or communication system that connects passengers and monitoring centers.

Elevator emergency phone requirements help passengers feel safer, ensuring we can connect them to help immediately if something goes wrong.

ELEVATE Monitoring in an Emergency

ELEVATE Monitoring uses a two-way communication system in an elevator emergency to connect the passenger with an agent. If needed, we’ll communicate with emergency services like police, firefighters, or medical professionals.

Our elevator phones are available 24/7. We have experienced operators ready at all times and use several types of software and phone carriers to ensure zero downtime. We’ll stay on the elevator phone line until we know everyone involved is safe.

ELEVATE Monitoring is committed to your tenants’ safety. To get started with ELEVATE Monitoring, contact us at 1-877-990-9191.

Guide to the Rising Trend of Elevator Monitoring Services

Video Elevator Specialists

An elevator malfunction could occur anytime in your building without you realizing it. Elevator monitoring solutions allow you to prevent hazards, prioritize occupant safety, and reduce maintenance costs as a building owner. Read on to learn about the top trends in 24/7 elevator monitoring to bring your building up to date.

What Is an Elevator Monitoring System?

An elevator monitoring system is an integrated tech platform offering full insights into the health of your building’s elevators and escalators so you can immediately learn about maintenance requirements, outages, safety issues, mechanical failures, and more. Building occupants can communicate with the system if something goes wrong, and you can quickly attend to their needs.

Rising Trends in Elevator Monitoring Systems

ASME elevator code mandates that all buildings with elevators employ emergency monitoring systems to protect occupants from hazards. Because of this code, new trends continue emerging in elevator monitoring systems as companies evolve the technology. For example, our UL-listed elevator phone monitoring solution at ELEVATE Monitoring guarantees zero downtime during outages.

Read on to learn about the top three emerging trends in elevator monitoring services.

1. Predictive Maintenance

An advanced elevator monitoring system helps in emergency scenarios while keeping your building up to date on maintenance requirements. The latest technology gives you regular reports regarding system health. For example, you can learn about misaligned motors, worn-down sheaves, and potential power failures to fix the small issues before a total outage occurs.

2. Two-Way Communication

Two-way communication allows occupants to speak with agents for support if an outage occurs. The most modern systems, like our solutions at ELEVATE Monitoring, provide video chats for enhanced help during critical situations. You can calm passengers during such fearful situations while providing tips on how to stay safe until help arrives.

For example, if a fire were to occur, agents could walk passengers through the exact steps they need to take to exit the elevator safely. Two-way communication helps passengers feel safe while boosting your building’s credibility.

3. Updates To Meet New Elevator Codes

The technology will evolve to exceed standards when any new elevator code comes out. The current elevator monitoring trends go above and beyond code requirements to ensure maximum safety and building efficiency. As safety standards continue prioritizing passenger safety, we expect the technology to follow suit.

Choosing the Right Elevator Monitoring Service for Your Building

When finding the right elevator monitoring service for your building, consider the following factors:

  • Predictive maintenance features
  • Average downtime during outages
  • Elevator compatibility
  • Communication features
  • Elevator answering options
  • Operator expertise
  • Field experience and reputation
  • Pricing
  • Adherence to code

Jump on Trend by Choosing the Right Elevator Monitoring Company

If you’re looking for an elevator monitoring company that doesn’t just follow the trends but creates them, look no further than ELEVATE Monitoring. Our monitoring solutions provide enhanced maintenance insights, zero downtime, ideal passenger safety, 24/7 monitoring, and the latest communication features. Contact ELEVATE Monitoring today at 1-877-990-9191 to learn more about our monitoring systems.

New Elevator Code: What Building Owners Need To Know

Emergency Elevator Monitoring Company

Did you know your building must have an updated elevator monitoring system to meet the latest code requirements? Elevator code protects building occupants and helps you cut maintenance costs while streamlining building efficiency. Read on to learn the latest elevator safety code requirements for bringing your building up to date.

Updates to the ASME Elevator Code

The ASME elevator code requires all elevators to have a call button in case of emergencies. Unfortunately, the outdated mandate did not accommodate hearing-impaired or non-verbal passengers. To resolve this issue, ASME A17.1-2019 adds new revisions to the code requiring the following:

  • Two-way displays: Elevators must have two-way communication that allows passengers to reach authorized emergency personnel who can aid in the situation. The call button should be accessible to all hearing-impaired and non-verbal individuals.
  • Video feeds: Elevators must have a way to record live video feeds so emergency personnel can see the passengers and the state of the elevator in real time. Video elevator monitoring can help teams understand equipment malfunctions, locate passenger injuries, and more.
  • A message indicating the help status: The updated building code requirements also mandate that elevators provide a display message showing passengers when help is on the way after an outage or malfunction.

The new safety standard for platform lifts, elevators, and similar devices helps keep your building occupants safe to minimize downtime and risks.

Understanding the Video Elevator Monitoring Requirement

The video elevator monitoring requirement in the new elevator code allows emergency personnel to assess the situation appropriately. Buildings with elevators taller than 60 feet must have systems with both video and audio capabilities.

At ELEVATE Monitoring, we offer advanced solutions that adhere to the updated safety code for existing elevators and new builds. If you need to install video monitoring at your building, we can help.

What Are the Benefits of the New Elevator Code?

Whether you’re constructing a new build that must follow the new elevator code or simply evolving your existing elevator to meet the latest trends, following the latest code updates offers the following benefits:

  • Added safety
  • Enhanced building credibility
  • In-depth maintenance insights
  • Reduced installation, alteration, repair, and replacement costs

How the National Elevator Code Updates Improve Safety During an Elevator Emergency

The updated national elevator code improves safety during an elevator emergency by ensuring that passengers can immediately receive help from professionals. Before the recent updates, call buttons in elevators often would only connect you with service agents who may not know how to help.

Now, passengers can quickly reach an emergency response team who can view inside the elevator to see whether any physical dangers are present, whether anyone has been injured, and more. Video streaming leads to much quicker repair times while adding a sense of security to a high-stress scenario.

Keep Up With the New Elevator Code by Calling Our Team

The new elevator code keeps buildings safe and efficient. Call ELEVATE Monitoring today at 1-877-990-9191 to learn more about our advanced elevator monitoring systems.

Complete Guide to Elevator Monitoring Systems for Buildings

Man Using Elevator in Building

No building owner wants to think about it, but what would happen if one of your elevators suddenly stopped working? If you haven’t installed an elevator monitoring system, you could be unaware of the problem for hours or even days.

Here’s what you need to know about elevator monitoring systems and why you need to install one today.

What Are Elevator Monitoring Systems?

Elevator monitoring systems, as the name implies, allow you to keep tabs on the status of your elevators. They can alert you to mechanical failures and potential user safety issues, such as malfunctioning doors that could shut on someone and hurt them.

The ASME Elevator Code requires all building owners to equip elevators with an emergency monitoring system, such as those offered by Elevate Monitoring. Our UL-listed monitoring systems guarantee zero downtime by switching between data and phone carriers in the event of an outage.

Why Does Your Building Need an Elevator Monitoring System?

Does your building have an elevator monitoring system in place yet? If not, here’s why you should consider installing an elevator safety system today.

Cut Down on Major Repair Bills

An elevator monitoring and control system alerts you to problems such as power failures, worn sheaves, and misaligned motors. By reviewing the reports from your remote elevator monitoring system, you can spot small issues before they become much more expensive headaches.

Help Passengers When Something Goes Wrong

For many people, getting trapped inside an elevator is their worst nightmare. Thanks to two-way communication and elevator phone monitoring, operators can speak with passengers trapped in the elevator and help ease their fears.

Elevator video monitoring gives personnel an up-close look at what’s happening inside the car. For instance, if a caller becomes unresponsive, personnel can check the feed to see whether the passenger needs medical attention.

Emergency elevator monitoring systems also allow operators to monitor areas of refuge where people can wait for help when it’s not safe to leave the building.

Stop Crime in Your Elevators

If you’ve been dealing with criminal activity, such as thefts and assaults in your elevators, you need to take it seriously. Video elevator monitoring allows you to see exactly what’s happening in each car in real time. It also records footage for later viewing.

Pass Elevator Inspections

Per ASME requirements, your elevators must have a functioning monitoring system to pass inspection. Without such a system, not only will your elevators fail inspection, but you could also rack up pricey fines. These fines often keep increasing until you’ve installed or fixed your system.

Learn More About Our Elevator Monitoring Solutions

If you’re searching for reliable elevator monitoring systems, look no further than Elevate Monitoring. Our systems run 24/7, even when the power goes out. All calls from your system will go directly to a live agent who is highly trained in handling elevator emergencies. Plus, our systems can instantly identify malfunctioning elevators so operators can send help directly to where it’s needed.

To find out more about our elevator monitoring systems, call us at 1-877-990-9191 today.

Building Safety: Elevator Phones and Two-Way Communication

Office Building Lobby

With some elevators traveling 50 stories or more, elevator emergency phones are indispensable. No matter how reliable your elevators are, you never know when one could break down while riders are on board. Medical emergencies can happen at any time, too, so passengers need a quick, foolproof way to call for help immediately.

Below, you’ll learn more about elevator phones and ASME requirements for communications systems.

What Are Elevator Emergency Phones, and How Do They Work?

Elevator emergency phones allow passengers to contact personnel if something goes wrong. Because cell phones don’t always work when trapped in an elevator, riders need a reliable system for contacting staff in case of an emergency.

To reach personnel, a rider simply presses the emergency button. Dialing a number is unnecessary, as the connection happens automatically.

Depending on your setup, riders can contact onsite staff or an offsite answering service. The operators should be capable of sending maintenance personnel or emergency rescue workers to the elevator as soon as possible.

Elevator Emergency Phone Requirements

Per ASME Elevator Code requirements, you can’t throw any old phone system into your elevator and call it a day. The latest revisions to the ASME code require your system to employ two-way communication. When personnel call into the elevator, the system must connect automatically.

The system must also relay the location of the elevator to personnel. That’s because you can’t rely on riders to tell you where they are in the middle of an emergency.

Your system needs a backup solution for when the power goes out. It must also have a video feed that lets personnel view all passengers in the car at any time.

Elevator phones must be disability friendly as well. Riders should be able to identify the elevator emergency button by sight or touch. You can’t place this button any higher than 48 inches from the floor of the car.

Does Your Elevator Monitoring System Need a POTS (Copper) Phone Line?

Many building owners think POTS lines are more reliable than VoIP (Voice Over IP) lines, but this isn’t always the case. Copper POTS lines are prone to degradation, especially since quite a few existing lines could be up to 150 years old.

Local fire codes once required elevator phones to run on POTS lines; however, many of these codes have been amended to accommodate VoIP solutions.

One benefit of VoIP lines is that they’re generally cheaper than the copper type. You could save about 35% on the cost of a VoIP line compared to a copper one.

Bring Your Elevators Up to Code With Elevate Monitoring

Not sure whether your elevator phones and monitoring system meet the current ASME code? The revisions can be confusing, and digging through a 500-page code manual takes time you probably don’t have.

Our experts at Elevate Monitoring will be happy to discuss the elevator phone code to help you know whether your building complies. Reach out to us at 1-877-990-9191 today.

Understanding the ASME Elevator Code for Building Safety

Man Pushing the Cart Outside Hotel Elevator

Few people expect an elevator to break down, but accidents and emergencies can happen anytime. That’s why your elevators need a two-way communication system that allows riders to call for help when they need it.

The ASME Elevator Code (version A17.1) introduced some big changes to elevator standards. Below, we’ll discuss a few of these changes to help you get your elevators up to code.

Authorized Personnel Requirements

ASME requirements for authorized personnel vary depending on whether your elevator travels 60 feet or more. If it does, you must employ onsite staff who can answer calls from the elevator 24/7. Outgoing calls must reach a reception desk, security office, or other onsite location. Staff must be able to call the elevator phone and reestablish communication. The system must also include a means for personnel to indicate that onsite help is available.

If your elevators travel less than 60 feet, you don’t need to have onsite staff to accept calls. However, the system must direct calls to maintenance personnel outside the building who can help in an emergency. The system must operate 24/7 to prevent riders from being stuck in the elevator after business hours.

If a rider cannot reach onsite staff, the system must redirect their call to personnel outside the building. All calls must be answered live by authorized personnel; automated answering isn’t allowed.

Elevator Emergency Phone Requirements

ASME A17.1 requires all elevators to have a two-way communication system between the elevator and authorized personnel. This system must provide video elevator monitoring of the entire car.

Your elevator emergency phone system requires a backup plan for a power outage. According to the ASME Elevator Code, its entire internet network infrastructure must run on a four-hour battery backup.

The system must include local alerts and elevator phone line status monitoring. A good elevator monitoring system, such as those from Elevate Monitoring, can identify buildings from which calls come and pinpoint the elevator’s location. We use multiple data and phone carriers to switch between during vendor outages.

ADA Requirements

ASME code revisions make elevators more accommodating to people with disabilities. Elevator emergency phones must be easy to access for those with speech, hearing, and vision impairments.

Your system must have a tactile elevator emergency button located no higher than 48 inches from the floor of the car. The system must be able to display visual messages for passengers unable to use the phone. Passengers should be able to communicate with staff by pressing a button to respond “Yes” or “No.”

Safeguard Passengers With Elevate Monitoring

When it comes to meeting the ASME Elevator Code, you need an elevator monitoring and answering service you can count on. Elevate Monitoring has years of experience working with elevator two-way communications systems, and our operators are fully certified and trained to handle elevator emergencies. You’ll never have to worry about elevator monitoring with our team on the job.

To learn more, call Elevate Monitoring at 1-877-990-9191 today.

Elevator Emergency Phone Requirements

Industrial elevator

Millions of elevators run without a hitch every day, but it only takes one malfunction to leave riders trapped until help arrives. At the end of 2019, the ASME A171.1 (CSA B44 in Canada) code introduced revisions to make elevators safer for riders. These changes also require elevator systems to be easy to use for people with disabilities.

Below, we explain elevator emergency phone requirements and what they mean for you.

All Elevators Must Have Two-Way Communication

Per the ASME, all emergency elevator phones must be equipped with two-way communication. This allows riders to communicate with a dispatcher who can send help. Authorized personnel must also have a way to view video elevator monitoring footage of the entire cab and all passengers in it.

Your system’s dedicated phone line need not be a POTS (copper) line. If your local fire code allows it, you may be able to install a cellular line instead. Cellular lines are more reliable than copper ones because many of the latter have degraded from lack of maintenance.

VoIP lines are typically cheaper than the copper variety if you’re installing new elevator emergency phone lines. You’ll pay about 35% less for a VoIP emergency intercommunication system than a copper phone line installation. Treat this as an incentive to abide by proper safety protocols.

Requirements for Elevators With a Rise of 60 Feet or More

The ASME code revisions introduced a change for elevators with a rise of at least 60 feet. Such elevators must now have voice and video communication that works over an internet connection.

If your building has 24/7 onsite staff who can help in an emergency, the code requires that calls placed from the elevator phone must reach a security desk, nurse station, reception desk, or similar onsite location. The system must allow workers at that location to call back to the elevator phone and reestablish communication.

ADA Code Requirements

According to changes in the ASME code, two-way communication systems in elevators must comply with ADA code requirements. The system must provide a way for the speech and hearing impaired to communicate with personnel that doesn’t require talking.

For example, your system must include prewritten messages that operators can select and display on a screen inside the elevator. The system must also include buttons that allow riders to respond “Yes” or “No.”

You’ll need to give instructions for using the system in both tactile and visual form. The highest operable part of the system must be no higher than 48 inches from the floor of the car.

We’ll Bring Your Elevators Up to ASME Elevator Code

Not sure whether your building will pass an elevator inspection? Contact Elevate Monitoring to learn about our two-way elevator answering and monitoring services. We’re available 24/7 to handle all your elevator needs, from tenant complaints to maintenance requests.

You can reach Elevate Monitoring at 1-877-990-9191. Our experts can help you understand ASME elevator emergency phone requirements and bring your elevators up to code.

How an Elevator Monitoring System Can Improve Building Safety

Woman pushing elevator button

Even the most dedicated fitness enthusiast probably doesn’t relish the idea of climbing dozens of flights of stairs each day to get from Point A to Point B in a commercial or residential building. Thanks to elevators, we can relax and get to our destinations in seconds. Sometimes we’re even accompanied by elevator music.

In addition to being convenient, elevators are remarkably safe, especially when they’re equipped with modern two-way communication systems and reliable 24/7 elevator monitoring systems.

It’s not always obvious how working with an elevator monitoring company can enhance building safety, and this article outlines how this service works to prevent issues and address emergency situations in real-time proactively.

A Monitoring Company Provides 24/7 Assistance

A building manager might not be on-site 24/7, and even if they are, there might not be eyes on the inside of the elevator. By hiring an elevator monitoring company, you’ll have a modern system that keeps track of what’s happening inside of the elevator, how well the elevator is functioning, and any issues that need to be addressed.

As a result of having 24/7 monitoring in place, your passengers can experience better peace of mind. If a disaster or inconvenience strikes, passengers will be able to reach someone right away and get expert assistance. This can reduce the risk of injury, deter crime, and prevent false personal injury claims.

Improve Building Security with Elevator Monitoring

Depending on the source of the study, cameras and real-time monitoring prevent between 50% to 60% (or more) of crimes from taking place. Because elevators are confined spaces and passengers are “trapped” with other occupants until the car reaches the next floor, people are vulnerable during this window, however brief.

Fortunately, the presence of an elevator system equipped with video monitoring can deter criminals and provide passengers with a better sense of safety and security.

Elevator Video Monitoring is Required by Law

Because 24/7 monitoring and two-way communication systems are so essential to ensure safety, they are now required by law under ASME safety codes. Even in today’s world of ubiquitous cell phones, there might not be cell phone reception in an elevator car.

Also, who does someone call in an emergency? When there’s an experienced operator on the other end, the operator can alert the property parties and stay on the line with the passenger until help arrives.

To be compliant with current standards, a monitoring system must have the following elevator safety features:

  1. The ability for the passenger to reach a live person 24/7
  2. The option to explain what’s happening (including video if the person is hearing or otherwise impaired)
  3. Caller ID of the elevator location
  4. Operators who are authorized to send help, technicians, medical personnel, or an ambulance

Improve Building Safety with ELEVATE

At ELEVATE, we have over 34 years of experience providing building owners and managers with bespoke, state-of-the-art elevator monitoring systems. To learn more about our elevator phones and monitoring services, call us at 1-877-990-9191.

Why Your Building Needs an Elevator Monitoring Service

Elevator shaft

Did you know that at 325 million elevator rides per day, elevators are the most common form of transportation? From mid and high-rise apartment buildings to skyscrapers and multi-story office buildings, riding in an elevator is a part of many people’s daily routines.

With few exceptions, elevators no longer have human operators, making elevator monitoring an essential safety function. Safety isn’t the only reason why your building needs an elevator monitoring service, however. We’ve uncovered the top 4 reasons (including passenger safety) to consider adding this service to your building operations.

Reason 1. Ensure Passenger Safety

Even though elevators are a mechanically safe form of transportation, there are still risks. An elevator emergency phone that connects to an experienced and professionally trained operator can provide passengers with peace of mind knowing that they’ll be taken care of in a worst-case scenario.

Today’s modern systems also come with elevator video monitoring. Examples of when this technology can be invaluable include:

  • Someone is incommunicative because of a heart attack or other ailment
  • The passenger is deaf, hard of hearing, or has other communication challenges
  • The operator can see what is happening in the car and communicate with passengers in real-time

Further, to be compliant with current safety code requirements, building owners must now ensure they have video monitoring in place.

Reason 2. Identify Mechanical Issues

The most meticulously maintained elevator can experience an unexpected mechanical issue or malfunction. This is where the availability of a dedicated elevator monitoring service can be invaluable.

For example, a building owner or passenger might not notice a subtle shift in how an elevator functions, but an experienced operator is likely to notice any variation in functionality right away. As a result of early detection of a mechanical issue, action can be taken to make minor repairs before they become major, which could result in downtime or safety risks.

Reason 3. Improve the Passenger Experience

No building is immune to pranksters, whether it’s keeping an elevator door propped open to prevent it from moving or pressing every button to delay movement between floors.

A monitoring service can quickly detect this issue and alert someone onsite to resolve the issue. This is especially helpful in busy buildings with a lot of elevator usage or during an event with heavy passenger traffic.

Reason 4. Deter Crime

Without a video monitoring service, criminals may feel emboldened to victimize vulnerable car passengers who are in a confined space and helpless to defend themselves and call for help. Surveillance cameras have been shown to reduce crime rates by 50% or more.

And, if a crime does take place, the video monitoring tools can provide evidence that helps catch the perpetrator.

Ready to Invest in Reliable Elevator Monitoring?

At ELEVATE, we provide state-of-the-art elevator phone and video monitoring services to provide building owners with peace of mind, compliance with safety code requirements, and protection from legal liability.

Our U.S.-based operators are the best in the business and are available 24/7. For more details about our elevator phones and services, call ELEVATE MONITORING at 1-877-990-9191.

The Benefits of Elevator Monitoring for Building Owners and Managers

Business people on elevator

When it comes to transportation, elevators are one of the safest ways to get from Point A to Point B. Despite the long list of operational elevator safety features in place, however, an elevator monitoring system is still necessary.

After all, if there is a mechanical failure or someone is trapped in the car with a dangerous person, elevator monitoring can save a life. There are several benefits of elevator monitoring, and we’ve included a list of the top 6.

1. Comply with Code Requirements

There are various codes that must be complied with to have a legally operated elevator, including requirements stipulated by the ADA, ASME, and IBC. As technology has advanced, both the available tools for monitoring and the instances of enforcement have increased.

Today, an elevator needs elevator video monitoring in addition to voice communication.

2. Create Peace of Mind

Did you know that 4% of the population is afraid to ride in an elevator? Even the bravest among us has probably pictured a worst-case scenario if an elevator lurches or something else triggers the imagination.

When passengers see that there is advanced monitoring in place, they’re more likely to feel comfortable riding in the elevator.

3. Deter Criminal Activity

Elevator passengers are vulnerable to unscrupulous individuals who take advantage of a confined space to commit criminal acts, ranging from theft to physical harm. When there is a monitoring company behind a video camera, a criminal is going to think twice before and will likely avoid taking action that can be seen on video.

4. Prevent Mechanical Failures

An experienced elevator monitoring service operator is well-versed in what it looks like when an elevator is functioning normally. When there’s even a slight variation in functionality, a monitoring company can detect the issue and notify a technician to make a repair.

Fixing problems proactively saves you from having to make major repairs later or exposing passengers to harm.

5. Provide Legal Protection

Even if you’ve ticked all the boxes on your maintenance list and your inspections are up-to-date, unexpected issues can still happen. For example, you can be sued in civil court if someone is stuck or files a false injury claim.

By having monitoring in place, you can detect mechanical issues (as discussed above) or have video evidence that an alleged injury never actually happened.

6. Save Money on Insurance

The amount of your building or company’s insurance premiums is based on a measure of risk. A reputable elevator monitoring service can drastically reduce the risk of mechanical failure, crime, and personal injury claims, which can result in lower insurance premiums.

Elevator Phone Monitoring that Pays for Itself

By investing in an elevator monitoring service, you’ll receive benefits that can lead to the service paying for itself faster than you think. ELEVATE is UL-listed with fully trained, U.S.-based operators on staff 24/7. All of our systems are compliant with the most current safety code requirements.

To learn more about our elevator phones and monitoring services, call us at 1-877-990-9191.

Streamline Communication with New Elevator Phone Solutions

Elevator floor indicator

Did you know that until 1950, all elevators had operators who opened and closed the doors, pushed the buttons, and gave everyone a sense of security?
When elevators began being installed without operators, people were wary of the new technology and reluctant to ride in elevators.

It took a couple of decades to figure things out, and by 1976, emergency call buttons (in the form of an elevator emergency phone handset) became mandatory. We’ve come a long way since then, and this article shares the latest communication technology available in today’s modern elevator telephone phone solutions.

Programmable Telephones

The first elevator phones were mounted on the wall of the elevator, and passengers would dial a number listed near the device. Before the development of a two-way elevator phone line, there was merely an alarm bell, which gave little information to an operator and even less assurance to a passenger.

With two-way phone communication, a passenger can dial out and be connected 24/7 to an answering service or other personnel. Still, this framework has vulnerabilities, and there are new code requirements that are being enforced to provide a more advanced monitoring solution.

Accessibility Standards

Various safety codes have been introduced during the past several years and are now being enforced. It’s estimated that 95% of elevators in the U.S. are not up to these standards, and that puts passengers at risk.

Any elevator that rises at least 60 feet must comply with the following codes:

  • ADA: The American Disabilities Act has a long list of requirements, including size and height specifications for call buttons and two-way communication systems to accommodate the deaf and blind.
  • ASME: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers requires a video camera for enhanced visibility and two-way texting for those hard of hearing.
  • IBC: The International Building Code also mandates video monitoring systems.

Internet Phone Systems

Elevator phones originally worked on the POTS system (Plain-Old Telephone Service). While this form of communication is reliable, the technology is all but outdated, and new forms of communication have evolved.

Today, most elevator phone systems use either VOiP or a cellular network that utilizes Internet technology and reliable cellular phone networks.
Visual Two-Way Communication

Video in elevators is not necessarily new, but the ability to engage in two-way visual communication is now becoming the norm. To be ASME building code-compliant, an elevator must have this technology to accommodate people with communication barriers, including:

  • Deaf or those who are hard of hearing
  • Non-verbal and speech-impaired individuals
  • Someone who is unconscious

With a broader range of monitoring and communication capabilities, operators can see what is happening inside the cab and take appropriate action. For example, if someone is having a heart attack, the operator can call 911.

The Bottom Line

As communication technology continues to progress, so do elevator communications. By following a path of continuous improvement and cutting-edge innovations, passengers can feel increasingly confident that their experience is safe and secure.

At ELEVATE, we provide our clients with advanced monitoring solution technology to ensure passengers are covered 24/7 and receive personalized, attentive service. Call us at 1-877-990-9191 to learn more.

Why Elevator Monitoring is Essential | ELEVATE Monitoring

Elevator Monitoring

Elevators are an integral part of modern society, facilitating mobility and accessibility in high-rise buildings. While they provide immense convenience, they also pose potential safety risks if they malfunction or break down unexpectedly. Elevator accidents can be fatal, and emergency response time is critical in such situations.

This is where elevator monitoring comes into play. Elevator monitoring refers to the process of 24/7 remote monitoring of elevators using phone and two-way video systems to ensure timely response to emergencies. ELEVATE Monitoring is a leading elevator monitoring company that provides state-of-the-art monitoring services to ensure the safety and security of elevator passengers.

What is Elevator Monitoring?

Elevator monitoring is a system that allows for continuous surveillance and communication between the elevator passengers and the emergency monitoring center. The system is connected to the elevator phone number, enabling passengers to contact the monitoring center in the event of an emergency. The monitoring center can then communicate with the passengers through a two-way video system to assess the situation and provide assistance.

Elevator monitoring systems are designed to detect potential malfunctions, such as power outages, door failures, and mechanical issues, and alert the monitoring center immediately. This allows for prompt action to be taken to prevent accidents and minimize damage. The monitoring center can also communicate with building security and emergency services to coordinate a response if necessary.

The ELEVATE Monitoring Difference

ELEVATE Monitoring is a leading elevator monitoring company that provides cutting-edge monitoring services to ensure the safety and security of elevator passengers. ELEVATE’s monitoring system is built on decades of innovation and is designed to ELEVATE redundancy to a whole new level. While elevator monitoring is our business, service is our trademark.

At ELEVATE, we understand the importance of timely response in emergency situations. That is why our monitoring services are available 24/7, 365 days a year. Our state-of-the-art system is connected to the elevator phone number and provides two-way video communication to ensure rapid response in the event of an emergency.

Our monitoring system is designed to detect potential malfunctions and alert our monitoring center immediately. This allows for prompt action to be taken to prevent accidents and minimize damage. Our monitoring center is staffed by trained professionals who can assess the situation and aid passengers.

We understand that every building has unique needs, which is why we offer customized monitoring solutions to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our monitoring services can be tailored to suit the requirements of any building, whether it is a commercial high-rise or a residential complex.

ELEVATE Monitoring takes elevator monitoring seriously and is committed to ensuring the safety and security of elevator passengers. Our monitoring services are designed to provide peace of mind to building owners, property managers, and passengers. With ELEVATE Monitoring, you can be confident that your elevators are being monitored by a trusted and reliable elevator monitoring company.

Elevator Monitoring: Critical for Building Safety & Security

Elevator monitoring is a critical component of building safety and security, ensuring that passengers can access help in the event of an emergency. ELEVATE Monitoring is a leading elevator monitoring company that provides cutting-edge monitoring services to ensure the safety and security of elevator passengers. With our state-of-the-art monitoring system, we can detect potential malfunctions, assess the situation, and help passengers. Our monitoring services are available 24/7, 365 days a year, and can be customized to meet the specific needs of any building. ELEVATE Monitoring takes elevator monitoring seriously, and we are committed to ensuring the safety and security of elevator passengers. Contact us today to learn more about our elevator monitoring system and how it can benefit your building.

How Elevator Emergency Phones Work: Ensuring Building Safety

Elevator Emergency Phone

If you have ever been in a building with an elevator, you have probably noticed a small phone box located on the wall. These phones, known as elevator emergency phones, are a crucial component in ensuring the safety and security of building occupants. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at how elevator emergency phones work and why they are so important.

What are Elevator Emergency Phones?

Elevator emergency phones are communication devices that provide a direct line of communication between an elevator passenger and a monitoring center. In the event of an emergency, such as being trapped in an elevator or a medical emergency, passengers can use the phone to call for help. The monitoring center is staffed 24/7 and can dispatch emergency services, such as paramedics or firefighters, to the building if necessary.

How Do Elevator Emergency Phones Work?

Elevator emergency phones use a two-way communication system to connect passengers with the monitoring center. When a passenger picks up the phone, they are immediately connected to a trained operator who can assist with their emergency. The phone also has a built-in speaker and microphone, which allows the operator to communicate with the passenger.

In addition to providing a direct line of communication, elevator emergency phones also have other features that ensure the safety and security of building occupants. For example, the phone may have a built-in camera that allows the operator to see the passenger and their surroundings. This can be useful in situations where a passenger is unable to speak or communicate their location.

Elevator emergency phones also have an auto-dial feature that allows the phone to automatically connect with the monitoring center in the event of a power outage or other emergency. This ensures that the phone is always operational and can be used in the event of an emergency.

Why Are Elevator Emergency Phones Important?

Elevator emergency phones are required by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME Elevator Code, which mandates that all elevators must have a communication system that allows passengers to communicate with a monitoring center. This code is in place to ensure that building occupants have a reliable means of communication in the event of an emergency.
Elevator emergency phones also provide a sense of security for building occupants. Knowing that there is a direct line of communication in the event of an emergency can provide peace of mind and help to alleviate anxiety or fear.

At ELEVATE Monitoring, we understand the importance of elevator emergency phones and their role in ensuring the safety and security of building occupants. Our monitoring services provide a reliable and secure means of communication for passengers in the event of an emergency. With our 24/7 monitoring, you can rest assured that help is always just a phone call away.

ELEVATE Monitoring: Premium Emergency Phone Monitoring

Elevator emergency phones are a critical component in ensuring the safety and security of building occupants. These devices provide a direct line of communication between passengers and a monitoring center, which can dispatch emergency services if necessary. At ELEVATE Monitoring, we provide reliable and secure monitoring services that ensure your elevator emergency phones are always operational and ready to use. With our commitment to service and innovation, we are elevating the standard for elevator monitoring and safety.

ELEVATE Monitoring: Elevating Safety for EMS Elevator Phones

Elevating Safety for EMS Elevator Phones

In the world of elevator safety, every second counts. That is why ELEVATE Monitoring is dedicated to providing 24/7 monitoring services for elevator phones, including EMS elevator phones. With decades of experience and a passion for life safety, ELEVATE is the name to trust when it comes to ensuring the safety of elevator riders.

What is an EMS Elevator Phone?

An EMS (Emergency Medical Services) elevator phone is a phone that is installed inside an elevator, which can be used to call for emergency medical help in the event of an emergency. These phones are often required by local and national building codes to be installed in elevators to ensure the safety of the passengers inside.

EMS Elevator Phone Programming

While the installation of an EMS elevator phone is important, proper programming is equally important. For the phone to be effective in an emergency, it must be programmed correctly. ELEVATE Monitoring has the experience and expertise to ensure that your EMS elevator phone is programmed correctly and is fully operational in the event of an emergency.

Elevator Telephone Requirements

Not all elevators are created equal, and the requirements for elevator telephones can vary depending on several factors. Local and national building codes often have specific requirements for elevator telephones, including the type of phone that must be used, the location of the phone within the elevator, and the programming of the phone. ELEVATE Monitoring has a deep understanding of these requirements and can help ensure that your elevator phone is up to code and fully functional.

Elevator Phone Line Cost

While the cost of an elevator phone line can vary depending on many factors, including the location of the building and the type of phone system that is being used, the cost of not having an elevator phone can be far greater. Without a functioning elevator phone, passengers in an emergency would be unable to call for help, potentially leading to serious injury or even death. With ELEVATE Monitoring’s 24/7 monitoring services, you can have peace of mind knowing that your elevator phone is always being monitored and is fully functional.

Why Choose ELEVATE Monitoring?

At ELEVATE, we understand that elevator safety is not just a business, it is a responsibility. That is why we’ve built an operating system that doesn’t just improve redundancy – but elevates it to a whole new level. We are on a mission to put an end to the false sense of security that surrounds the elevator industry, and we are dedicated to ensuring that all elevator phones, including EMS elevator phones, are fully operational and able to provide the help that passengers need in the event of an emergency.

Our team of experts has the experience and expertise to ensure that your elevator phone is up to code and fully functional. And with our 24/7 monitoring services, you can have peace of mind knowing that your elevator phone is always being monitored for potential emergencies.

The installation of an EMS elevator phone is essential for the safety of elevator riders. ELEVATE Monitoring is the name to trust when it comes to ensuring that your elevator phone is fully operational and able to provide the help that passengers need in the event of an emergency. Contact us today to learn more about our monitoring services and how we can help elevate the safety of your elevator system.

How Do Elevator Call Buttons Work?

External Glass Elevator

Have you ever wondered how elevator call buttons work? You press the button and wait for help to arrive, but have you ever considered what happens behind the scenes? At ELEVATE Monitoring, elevator monitoring is our business, and we are here to shed some light on how elevator emergency call buttons work.

Why Are There Emergency Call Buttons in Elevators?

In the case of an emergency such as getting stuck in an elevator or experiencing a medical emergency, pressing the emergency call button signals for help to be dispatched. The emergency call button is an important safety feature in elevators, and it is required by law in most jurisdictions.

What Happens When You Press the Emergency Call Button?

When you press the emergency call button in an elevator, it sends a signal to the elevator’s monitoring system, which is usually operated by a third-party monitoring service like ELEVATE Monitoring. The monitoring service will then immediately establish two-way video communication with the elevator, allowing for direct communication with the person(s) in the elevator.

The monitoring service will assess the situation and determine the appropriate response, which could include dispatching an emergency response team to the location of the elevator or contacting the building management to assist with resolving the issue. In any case, help is on the way.

What Happens if You Accidentally Press the Emergency Call Button?

Accidentally pressing the emergency call button is a common occurrence. If this happens, do not panic. You can simply let the monitoring service know that it was a false alarm, and they will cancel the emergency response team.

At ELEVATE Monitoring, we understand the importance of elevator safety. While elevator monitoring is our business, service is our trademark. We are on a mission to put an end to the false sense of security that surrounds the elevator industry, with many elevator phones not reporting to emergency monitoring centers, as they should be.

Our monitoring services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to ensure the safety and security of those using elevators. We use state-of-the-art technology to provide two-way communication and video monitoring, so you can rest assured that help is always just a button press away.

Emergency Elevator Monitoring at the Push of a Button

Elevator emergency call buttons are a crucial part of elevator safety. They allow you to signal for help in the case of an emergency, and in emergencies, they can alert emergency response teams to come to your aid.

At ELEVATE Monitoring, we take elevator safety seriously. Our monitoring services are designed to ensure the safety and security of those using elevators. With our state-of-the-art technology and expertise, you can rest assured that you will receive prompt assistance in the case of an emergency. Contact us to learn more about how our services can enhance the safety of your elevators.

How Do Elevator Phones Work?


Elevator phones, also known as emergency phones, are a critical safety feature in many buildings. They allow people to call for help in case of an emergency, such as a power outage or a medical emergency.

What is an Elevator Phone?

An elevator phone is a type of telephone that is installed in an elevator. It is designed to provide a direct line of communication to a central monitoring station, allowing people to call for help in case of an emergency. Most elevator phones are equipped with a speaker and a microphone, so that the person on the other end of the line can hear what is happening in the elevator.

Types of Elevator Phone Systems

There are several different types of elevator phone systems available, each with their own unique features and capabilities.

  1. Analog Systems: Analog elevator phone systems use a traditional telephone line to connect the elevator phone to the central monitoring station. These systems are relatively simple to install and operate, but they are not as reliable as more modern systems.
  2. Digital Systems: Digital elevator phone systems use a digital connection to connect the elevator phone to the central monitoring station. These systems are more reliable than analog systems and offer better sound quality. They also typically include features such as automatic call routing and voicemail.
  3. Cellular Systems: Cellular elevator phone systems use a cellular connection to connect the elevator phone to the central monitoring station. These systems are the most reliable of all, as they do not rely on a traditional telephone line. They also offer the added benefit of being able to make calls even if the power is out.
  4. VoIP Systems: VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) elevator phone systems use an internet connection to connect the elevator phone to the central monitoring station. These systems offer the same features as digital systems, but they are also more cost-effective as they do not require additional phone lines.

How Does an Elevator Phone System Work?

An elevator phone system is connected to a central monitoring station, which according to elevator emergency phone requirements, should be staffed 24/7 by trained operators. When someone in the elevator needs assistance, they can use the phone to call the central monitoring station. The operator will then be able to speak to the person in the elevator, assess the situation, and dispatch the appropriate help if needed.

In addition to providing a direct line of communication to the central monitoring station, elevator phone systems may also include additional features such as automatic call routing and voicemail.

Automatic Call Routing

An automatic call routing feature allows the elevator phone to automatically route a call to the appropriate person or department, based on the type of emergency. For example, a medical emergency call would be routed to a hospital, while a power outage call would be routed to the building’s maintenance department.


A voicemail feature allows the operator to leave a message for the person in the elevator, in case they are unable to answer the phone. This can be useful in situations where the person in the elevator is unable to speak or is unconscious.

Benefits of Elevator Phone Systems

Elevator phone systems offer several benefits, including:

  • Improved Safety: Elevator phone systems provide a direct line of communication to a central monitoring station, allowing people to call for help in case of an emergency.
  • Increased Reliability: Modern elevator phone systems are more reliable than older analog systems, ensuring that calls will go through in case of an emergency.
  • Automatic Call Routing: Automatic call routing ensures that calls are directed to the appropriate person or department, improving response times and ensuring that the correct help is dispatched.
  • Voicemail: A voicemail feature allows the operator to leave a message for the person in the elevator, in case they are unable to answer the phone.
  • Cost-effective: Some systems like VoIP systems are more cost-effective as they do not require additional phone lines.

ELEVATE Monitoring: Elevator Phone Monitoring Services

Elevator phone monitoring services, like those offered by ELEVATE Monitoring, provide additional peace of mind by ensuring that elevator phone systems are properly maintained and that calls are answered in a timely manner. These services typically include regular testing of the elevator phone system, as well as monitoring of the line to ensure that calls are going through.

ELEVATE Monitoring’s monitoring services also include automatic call routing, voicemail, and the ability to dispatch emergency services if needed. This ensures that help will always be available in case of an emergency. Contact ELEVATE today to learn more!

Elevator Phone Monitoring: Meeting Emergency Requirements


Elevators are an essential part of modern buildings, providing an easy and convenient way for people to move between floors. However, as with any mechanical system, elevators can sometimes experience malfunctions or breakdowns, leaving passengers stuck inside. In these situations, it is crucial that passengers have a way to call for help and that building management can quickly respond to and resolve the issue. This is where elevator phone monitoring comes in.

At ELEVATE Monitoring, we understand the importance of having reliable and effective communication in the event of an elevator emergency. That’s why we offer a range of elevator phone monitoring solutions to meet the specific requirements of our clients.

Elevator Emergency Phone Requirements

According to original guidelines set by the National Elevator Industry, Inc., all elevators should be equipped with an emergency phone system that allows passengers to call for help in the event of an emergency. These systems should include:

  • A phone or intercom system that allows passengers to communicate with building management or emergency services
  • An indicator light or sign that alerts building management or emergency services to the location of the stuck elevator
  • A two-way speaker system that allows for communication between the elevator and building management or emergency services

In addition to these requirements, it is also important for elevator phone systems to be reliable and easy to use. Passengers should be able to clearly hear and speak to building management or emergency services, and building management should be able to quickly and easily locate and respond to the stuck elevator.

The Benefits of Elevator Phone Monitoring

There are numerous benefits to implementing an elevator phone monitoring system in your building. Some of the key advantages include:

  • Improved Safety: In the event of an elevator malfunction or breakdown, an effective communication system is crucial for the safety of passengers. With an elevator phone monitoring system in place, building management can quickly respond to and resolve any issues, ensuring that passengers are able to safely exit the elevator.
  • Increased Efficiency: By allowing building management to quickly and easily communicate with stuck passengers and resolve any issues, an elevator phone monitoring system can help to minimize downtime and keep elevators running smoothly. This can help to reduce the burden on maintenance staff and improve the overall efficiency of the building.
  • Enhanced Security: In addition to providing a way for passengers to call for help in an emergency, an elevator phone monitoring system can also enhance building security. With the ability to monitor and track elevator usage, building management can more easily detect and prevent potential security threats.

ELEVATE Monitoring: Your Trusted Provider of Elevator Phone Monitoring Solutions

At ELEVATE Monitoring, we are committed to providing our clients with reliable and effective elevator phone monitoring solutions. Our team of experts has extensive experience in the field and is dedicated to helping our clients meet all of their emergency communication requirements.

Whether you need to upgrade an existing system or install a new one, we have the knowledge and expertise to get the job done right. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you ensure the safety and security of your building with our top-quality elevator phone monitoring solutions.

Understanding the ASME Elevator Code Changes

Understanding the ASME Elevator Code Changes

The newly revised edition of the ASME Elevator Code has introduced sweeping changes in several areas. Here is a quick overview of the most important requirements you should be aware of and what steps to take to make your elevators ASME-compliant.

What’s New in the ASME Elevator Code

The twenty-second edition of ASME A17.1-2019 (or CSA B44-2019, if you are in Canada) brought about numerous changes to elevator standards. Noteworthy modifications include updates to the following:

  • Door requirements for occupant evacuation and private residence elevators
  • Door protection requirements for passenger elevators
  • Seismic requirements for elevators and escalators
  • Emergency communication requirements to enable communication with hearing-impaired passengers

The New Elevator Code Communication Requirements

Currently, 95% of the one million elevators in the U.S. forward calls to anything from a traditional answering service to the cell phone of the elevator service company owner. None of these solutions are legal or up to code, but until now, there has been little enforcement.

The new elevator code aims to change that by standardizing communication requirements across the board and doubling down on enforcement.

All new elevators must now feature the following systems to better assist hard-of-hearing, nonverbal, or unconscious passengers and detect false alarms:

  • Two-way communication: New elevators must have a panel for sending two-way messages between passengers and the elevator monitoring company that doesn’t require audio communication.
  • Video elevator monitoring: Authorized personnel must be able to view a video feed of the elevator car at all times.

If an elevator has a rise of 60 feet or more, it must have both voice and video communication that can function with an internet connection.

An Elevator Monitoring Company You Can Trust

At ELEVATE MONITORING, we understand that many property owners and building managers find the recent ASME elevator code changes confusing.

How do you make your elevators code compliant? Where do you go for this type of monitoring?

You shouldn’t go through this alone. At ELEVATE MONITORING, our turnkey elevator monitoring solution builds on decades of expertise to bring you peace of mind. We are a UL-listed provider, and all our systems are fully ASME-, IBC-, and ADA-compliant with voice, video, and two-way text response functionalities. Our trained and certified operators are exclusively U.S.-based and available 24/7.

Call us at 1-877-990-9191 to tell us about your needs, learn more about our solutions, and get your elevators up to code.

Where Do Elevator Phones Call in an Emergency?

Elevator Phones - Where do they call in an emergency

As a real estate owner or property manager, it’s your job to ensure that the elevator phones in your building call the right place in emergencies. The question is: What’s the best point of contact?

Elevator Phones That Call a Regular Office Line

If your elevator phones call an office telephone, you must ensure that the person answering the call:

  • Can identify the building and elevator location immediately
  • Understands the latest code requirements
  • Knows how to handle calls properly

Poorly trained operators endanger the safety of elevator users and increase your liability exposure. Elevator inspectors often press the call button and remain silent to see how operators handle the situation. If they don’t know the elevator location or follow code requirements, you’ll fail the test and incur high re-inspection costs.

Elevator Phones That Call 911

Phones that call 911 can dispatch help 24/7 in an elevator emergency. However, they can’t contact maintenance or property managers in non-emergencies and may get you in trouble with the police.

Several 911 dispatch centers have requested that elevator phones not call them directly, as they don’t want non-urgent calls or pranks clogging up their lines and wasting time.

One scenario would be that if someone activated the call button and walked out of the elevator, on purpose or inadvertently, the 911 service would have to dispatch help. If first responders arrive on site for nothing, you’d likely get a hefty fine.

Elevator Phones That Call an Elevator Monitoring Company

Your best option is to program elevator phones to call an elevator monitoring service like ours at ELEVATE MONITORING.

As soon as the button is pressed, it dials our toll-free 24/7 line. The system automatically identifies the elevator and building location and displays the contact information. The caller would speak with one of our operators who have extensive technical and interpersonal training to handle both emergencies and routine calls.

Our elevator phone monitoring service meets the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) plus International Building Code (IBC) code requirements. The system combines:

  • Voice communication
  • Video camera for better visibility
  • A two-way text response system for the hearing impaired

Elevator Phone Monitoring You Can Rely On

At ELEVATE MONITORING, we bring you the next step in the evolution of elevator emergency phones. We are UL-listed with trained, certified, and U.S.-based operators available 24/7. All our systems are fully ADA- and code-compliant.

Call us at 1-877-990-9191 to tell us about your needs and learn about our elevator phones.

Preparing for the New Video Elevator Monitoring Requirements

Preparing for the New Video Elevator Monitoring Requirements

The most recent edition of the ASME elevator code introduced extensive modifications to emergency elevator monitoring and communication requirements. One of the most significant changes is the introduction of mandatory video elevator monitoring. Here is what you should know about it and how to bring your elevators up to code.

Important Updates to the New Elevator Code

In its most recent edition (22nd), ASME A17.1-2019 (or CSA B44-2019 in Canada) updated its communication and monitoring requirements to align them with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). As a result, all new elevator systems must now have:

  • A display message saying that help is on the way
  • A panel for two-way text communication between passengers and the elevator monitoring company
  • A way for emergency personnel to start a live video feed of the elevator car

Video Elevator Monitoring: What Is It, and Why Does It Matter?

The revised ASME A17.1-2019 finally addresses the fact that standard two-way emergency phones aren’t suitable for hard-of-hearing, nonverbal, and unconscious passengers. Even if they could press the call button, they would likely struggle to communicate with emergency personnel.

This is why the new code includes a long-overdue requirement for video monitoring of elevators. Authorized staff must be able to start a live video feed of the entire elevator car from their monitoring stations if they don’t hear a verbal response from a passenger. That should enable them to better assess the situation, including whether the call was a false alarm.

Note that for elevators with a rise of 60 feet or higher, ASME A17.1-2019 requires both voice and video communication that can function with an internet connection.

ELEVATE MONITORING: Code-Compliant Professional Monitoring Solutions

At ELEVATE MONITORING, we understand that the new elevator code can cause uncertainty and confusion for elevator owners. Approximately 95% of the one million elevators in the U.S. currently don’t meet the new communication and monitoring requirements.

The good news is that if you work with us at ELEVATE MONITORING, getting your elevators up to code will be easy. All our solutions feature video elevator monitoring and a two-way text response system. We are also UL-listed and fully ASME-, IBC-, and ADA-compliant. All our operators are trained, certified, available 24/7, and exclusively U.S.-based.

Get Your Elevators Up to Code Today

Call us at ELEVATE MONITORING at 1-877-990-9191 to tell us about your needs, learn more about our video elevator monitoring solutions, and get your elevators up to code.

Video Elevator Monitoring vs. Traditional Elevator Monitoring

Video Elevator Monitoring vs Traditional Elevator Monitoring

In its latest revised edition, the ASME Elevator Code introduced mandatory video elevator monitoring. The requirement applies to all new elevators and major modifications going forward.

Here is how video monitoring solutions depart from traditional emergency phone systems and what to do to bring your elevators up to code.

The Issue With Traditional Elevator Phone Monitoring

The United States currently has around one million elevators. The vast majority have elevator emergency systems that support voice communication. While helpful in some cases, these phones aren’t suitable for passengers who are:

  • Deaf
  • Hard of hearing
  • Nonverbal
  • Speech-impaired
  • Unconscious

To ensure the safety of passengers with disabilities, elevator emergency systems must now include a broader range of monitoring and communication methods.

Video Elevator Monitoring: Understanding the New Elevator Code

The ASME A17.1-2019 has updated its monitoring requirements to align them with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA). Among other things, all new elevator installations and major modifications like rehabs and renovations must now have a two-way video communication system. This builds on a similar requirement in the International Building Code (IBC) of 2018.

The video doesn’t have to be running all the time, but emergency personnel must be able to start a live feed from their monitoring stations 24/7 if they don’t hear a response from a passenger. The feed must cover the entire elevator car, including the floor and any passengers.

In addition, the new visual communication systems must include these three components:

  • An adjustable camera with remote access
  • An LCD video display informing passengers of their rescue status and enabling operators to ask questions remotely
  • Physical YES-NO buttons for passengers to answer questions

ELEVATE MONITORING: ASME-Compliant Emergency Elevator Monitoring

Getting your elevators to meet all requirements of the new elevator code on your own can be challenging.

Fortunately, at ELEVATE MONITORING, a leading elevator monitoring company, we can help. All our solutions are fully ASME-, IBC-, and ADA-compliant and have video elevator monitoring in addition to other monitoring methods such as text-based and visual communication.

We are also a UL-listed provider that never outsources any part of our call-center services: Our operators are trained, certified, available 24/7, and exclusively U.S.-based.

Professional Monitoring of Elevators for Your Peace of Mind

Call us at ELEVATE MONITORING at 1-877-990-9191 to tell us about your needs, learn more about our emergency elevator monitoring services, and get your elevators up to code.

ASME Elevator Code Includes Video Monitoring Technology

Video Monitoring Technology

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (AMSE) is an organization of experts that creates safety codes for various mechanical devices, including passenger elevators, escalators, moving walks, and other equipment.

Recently, an update to the ASME elevator code added several requirements to bring the code up to ADA standards, including:

  • A way for emergency personnel to view a video feed of the elevator car
  • A panel for sending two-way messages between the passenger and emergency personnel
  • A display message indicating that help is on site

New Elevator Code Revision To Meet ADA Standards

ASME A17.1-2019 requires a means to display a video so emergency personnel can observe the entire elevator car. A video feed enables emergency personnel to assess the situation inside the elevator, including whether a passenger is unconscious or nonverbal and whether the call was a false alarm.

The code also stipulates that new elevator installations must be able to send two-way messages so authorized personnel can communicate with trapped passengers who are nonverbal or hearing-impaired. The emergency personnel should be able to display a message indicating help is on the way, helping reassure passengers who cannot hear.

Video Elevator Monitoring System

The ASME A17.1 revision addresses the issue that the typical two-way emergency call system in elevators is not adequate for the hard of hearing. Even if the hard-of-hearing passenger presses the call button, emergency personnel will struggle to communicate with them. Without video, personnel won’t be able to assess the situation sufficiently.

The revised ASME elevator code requires that new elevator installations have a means for emergency personnel to observe a video feed of the elevator car. If an elevator rise is 60 feet or more, the code requires both voice and video communication that can function with an internet connection.

During an emergency, personnel can start a video feed if they do not receive a verbal response from the passenger. This technology allows agents to take appropriate action more quickly and reduces false emergency responses.

Emergency Elevator Monitoring by Trained Professionals

Most elevators still use a traditional emergency monitoring system, but the new elevator safety code requires video and a two-way messaging system. ELEVATE is a UL-listed monitoring facility with certified and trained operators available 24/7. We are one of the first agencies to integrate the technology required in the ASME 17.1 revision and provide cost-effective solutions to accommodate the new system.

Ready to become our partner in ensuring passenger safety? Click here to contact us today.

How To Select an Emergency Elevator Monitoring Company

Emergency Elevator Monitoring Company

Monitored two-way communication is a requirement under the ASME Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. Despite the elevator safety standards, many of the elevators in the US have call buttons that forward to non-emergency personnel who aren’t available to answer 24/7. To ensure the safety of all passengers, it’s crucial to partner with a professional elevator monitoring agency.

Building on the ambitions of a former fireman, ELEVATE is a company that prioritizes life safety. This article highlights what to look for in an emergency elevator monitoring company.

Compliance With Latest ASME Elevator Code

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) determines the safety code for elevators, escalators, and other similar equipment. Recently, a revision introduced changes that elevate the code to meet ADA standards.

ASME A17.1-2019 introduces the following changes to the Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators:

  • Must have a means for emergency personnel to see a video feed of the elevator’s interior
  • Must have a two-way messaging system
  • Must display a message indicating that help is on the way

These safety requirements accommodate passengers who are nonverbal or hard of hearing, but many companies have not adopted these emergency communications systems into their monitoring service. At ELEVATE, we have integrated video and two-way messaging to provide a high-quality emergency monitoring system that meets the needs of all passengers.

Video Elevator Monitoring Capability

A traditional elevator emergency system includes a two-way elevator phone, and the passenger initiates a call by pressing a button on the operations panel. This communication method could be problematic for passengers who can’t speak or hear the person on the other end of the call.

With a video feed, emergency operators can quickly assess the situation and take the appropriate action without wasting valuable time. They can determine whether a passenger is unconscious or nonverbal or whether the call was an accident.

Adherence to Elevator Emergency Phone Requirements

The new elevator code mandates that emergency calls go to authorized personnel who can take appropriate action. Therefore, the person answering the phone should be certified and trained in handling emergencies. Our team at ELEVATE has years of experience in the emergency monitoring field and the TMA Five Diamond certification, ensuring life safety expertise.

Innovative Emergency Elevator Monitoring

At ELEVATE, we stay up to date on the latest elevator monitoring technology and changes in safety standards to provide leading-edge emergency elevator monitoring solutions.
To partner with our professional monitoring center, contact us.

New Elevator Code To Meet ADA Standards

New Elevator Code

Whether because of true stories or action movies, many people fear elevators and the possibility of becoming trapped inside one. According to the ASME elevator code, all elevators must have a call button to contact personnel in an emergency. Until recently, however, there was no requirement for communications that accommodate non-verbal or hearing-impaired passengers.

ASME A17.1-2019 is a new elevator code that addresses this issue. The revision adds the following elevator code requirements to the ASME safety standards:

  • A two-way messaging display inside the elevator for hearing- and speech-impaired passengers
  • A way for emergency personnel to see a video feed of the entire elevator car
  • A message activated by emergency personnel indicating that help is on site

ASME Elevator Code Updates

According to the updated ASME A17.1, the push button next to the elevator operating panel must initiate a two-way call with authorized emergency personnel who can take appropriate action. A common problem in elevator emergencies is that the call button contacts non-emergency personnel who do not have the availability or means to take appropriate action, leaving passengers without help.

Another significant revision to the elevator safety code is that the panel with the emergency push button must display messages from authorized personnel so they can communicate with trapped passengers, including individuals who cannot communicate verbally or hear.

The panel must be able to display a message that help is on the way instead of the more common single-light indicator. The new message system will help reassure passengers during an emergency even if they cannot hear the call.

Finally, the elevator must have the means to display video to authorized personnel, allowing them to see trapped passengers anywhere in the elevator car. With video elevator monitoring, emergency personnel can assess the situation inside the elevator, including whether the passenger is injured, unconscious, or non-verbal.

A Safety Solution That Meets Your Needs

At ELEVATE, we take elevator passenger safety seriously and are one of the first agencies to comply with the new elevator code. We are an emergency elevator monitoring agency with certified personnel who are available to respond 24/7 and have comprehensive training in handling emergencies.

We have an ASME A17.1-2019 and ADA-compliant phone system that automatically identifies the exact location and specific elevator where the passenger is. Downtime is never an issue at our UL-listed monitoring facility because of our cutting-edge automation system and redundant infrastructure.

For more information about our professionally monitored system for elevator emergencies, contact us today!

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