
The Future of Vertical Transit: Advancements in Elevator Monitoring Systems for Predictive Maintenance

Elevator technician

With over 325 million people using elevators per day, it only makes sense that monitoring solutions continue advancing to improve the experience. Below, we discuss the latest elevator monitoring system advancements for predictive maintenance and reduced downtime.

The Latest Trends in Elevator Monitoring

The latest trends in elevator monitoring revolve around improving safety, reducing downtime, and boosting the passenger experience. As a building owner or manager, learning about these trends can help you discover new tech for streamlined operating costs.

1. Smart Monitoring for Predictive Maintenance

The latest elevator monitoring systems work as smart devices, syncing elevator data to provide you with key insights regarding the system’s health. With smart monitoring tools, you can detect when the building elevator requires maintenance services to prevent downtime, safety concerns, and expensive repair jobs. For example, you can view when the door sensor may be malfunctioning and repair the problem before an injury occurs.

2. Elevator Video Monitoring for Immediate Responses and Reduced Downtime

Elevator video monitoring and two-way communication provide passengers with 24/7 immediate communication with live agents in emergencies. Video monitoring solutions can reduce downtime during malfunctions by allowing trained agents to assess the situation from the inside immediately for heightened resolution times. The communication also improves safety during malfunctions, as experts can advise passengers on the best way to navigate emergency scenarios.

3. Destination Dispatch for Reduced Wait Times

Another major trend emerging in elevator monitoring system advancements is destination dispatch technology, which groups passengers based on where they’re traveling. For example, cabins may intentionally separate passengers traveling to higher versus lower floors to prevent unnecessary stops and reduce wait times. Destination dispatch technology can also reduce your building’s energy consumption by lowering the number of stops and trips.

4. Touchless Experiences

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, one major trend emerged that reshaped almost all industries: contactless experiences. In the elevator monitoring industry, touchless technology advancements include using keycards to call an elevator or requesting the destination via a smartphone app rather than manually clicking buttons.

5. Surge Predictions

The elevator and escalator industry continues evolving to reduce downtime and increase efficiency. Another major advancement forging this movement is surge predictions.
Surge prediction technology integrates with your elevators to anticipate when large groups of people may arrive. For example, the software can locate when a train may arrive or a sporting event will end.

Through this technology, the elevators can have cabs ready in the correct position to handle the increased passenger load. Surge predictions can reduce elevator waiting times while boosting the building’s efficiency.

Are You Interested in Video Elevator Monitoring?

You can boost your building’s safety and efficiency with video elevator monitoring. If you’re interested in upgrading your elevator monitoring system, look no further. At ELEVATE MONITORING, we provide highly advanced, on-trend, and cost-effective monitoring solutions connected to our team of U.S.-based certified and trained operators.

Call ELEVATE MONITORING today at 877-990-9191 to learn more about our elevator monitoring solutions.

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