
New Elevator Code: What Building Owners Need To Know

Emergency Elevator Monitoring Company

Did you know your building must have an updated elevator monitoring system to meet the latest code requirements? Elevator code protects building occupants and helps you cut maintenance costs while streamlining building efficiency. Read on to learn the latest elevator safety code requirements for bringing your building up to date.

Updates to the ASME Elevator Code

The ASME elevator code requires all elevators to have a call button in case of emergencies. Unfortunately, the outdated mandate did not accommodate hearing-impaired or non-verbal passengers. To resolve this issue, ASME A17.1-2019 adds new revisions to the code requiring the following:

  • Two-way displays: Elevators must have two-way communication that allows passengers to reach authorized emergency personnel who can aid in the situation. The call button should be accessible to all hearing-impaired and non-verbal individuals.
  • Video feeds: Elevators must have a way to record live video feeds so emergency personnel can see the passengers and the state of the elevator in real time. Video elevator monitoring can help teams understand equipment malfunctions, locate passenger injuries, and more.
  • A message indicating the help status: The updated building code requirements also mandate that elevators provide a display message showing passengers when help is on the way after an outage or malfunction.

The new safety standard for platform lifts, elevators, and similar devices helps keep your building occupants safe to minimize downtime and risks.

Understanding the Video Elevator Monitoring Requirement

The video elevator monitoring requirement in the new elevator code allows emergency personnel to assess the situation appropriately. Buildings with elevators taller than 60 feet must have systems with both video and audio capabilities.

At ELEVATE Monitoring, we offer advanced solutions that adhere to the updated safety code for existing elevators and new builds. If you need to install video monitoring at your building, we can help.

What Are the Benefits of the New Elevator Code?

Whether you’re constructing a new build that must follow the new elevator code or simply evolving your existing elevator to meet the latest trends, following the latest code updates offers the following benefits:

  • Added safety
  • Enhanced building credibility
  • In-depth maintenance insights
  • Reduced installation, alteration, repair, and replacement costs

How the National Elevator Code Updates Improve Safety During an Elevator Emergency

The updated national elevator code improves safety during an elevator emergency by ensuring that passengers can immediately receive help from professionals. Before the recent updates, call buttons in elevators often would only connect you with service agents who may not know how to help.

Now, passengers can quickly reach an emergency response team who can view inside the elevator to see whether any physical dangers are present, whether anyone has been injured, and more. Video streaming leads to much quicker repair times while adding a sense of security to a high-stress scenario.

Keep Up With the New Elevator Code by Calling Our Team

The new elevator code keeps buildings safe and efficient. Call ELEVATE Monitoring today at 1-877-990-9191 to learn more about our advanced elevator monitoring systems.

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