
How Long Do Elevators Last?

How Long Do Elevators Last

Maximizing your elevator lifespan involves taking numerous maintenance steps throughout its operation. How long do elevators last? With proper maintenance and upgrades, such as replacing the elevator phone system to match modern code requirements, you could receive 30 years or more of performance from the unit.

Learn more about elevator longevity and keeping your equipment in the best possible condition.

Timeline for Elevator Maintenance

Understanding which parts of your elevators need maintenance and when they need this type of work is the key to long-lasting performance. Proper maintenance can help delay the need for a full elevator replacement, saving money in the long run.

Paying attention to the elevator’s diagnostics also contributes to its longevity. If an inspection indicates a problem, it needs immediate attention. Ignoring these kinds of issues will only cause them to become worse, potentially necessitating a full replacement of the unit sooner.

10-Plus Years

Most elevators require extensive repair or replacement of the interior of the cab within 10 to 15 years. This process may involve upgrading the communications or video system inside the elevator to meet the latest emergency regulations.

20-Plus Years

Your elevator likely will need significant replacement work around the 20-year mark to keep it operating in top condition. Parts that will likely need replacement around 20 years include the following:

  • Cables
  • Control and operating panel
  • Hydraulic piston

It’s important to have an elevator monitoring service that keeps an eye on the diagnostics for these items leading up to the 20-year mark. Catching anything amiss sooner rather than later will provide ample warning of an impending catastrophic failure.

25-Plus Years

If you want to maintain the elevator’s longevity, you may need to fully replace the electrical wiring at the 25-to-30-year mark. The hydraulic piston and shaft doors may also need replacement around this time.

As your elevator approaches its 30-year mark, you may find that parts are no longer available. At that point, replacement may be your only option.

Meeting Modern Code Requirements

One way to maintain elevator longevity is to upgrade its communications equipment as needed. Adding modern technology can extend the life of elevators.

ASME Elevator Code requirements may change over time, necessitating new equipment installations. Your elevator monitoring service can help you understand new code regulations while determining the best timeline for implementing them to ensure minimal disruption.

Learn More About Choosing an Elevator Safety Systems Provider

How long do elevators last, and what determines their durability in the long run? With proper maintenance and scheduled replacements, a timeline of 30 or more years is not unusual.

When you need upgrades to your elevator system to match new regulations, ELEVATE Monitoring is ready to help. Following an elevator maintenance schedule and replacing parts needed to deploy new technology keeps it in service longer. This work reduces a visitor’s chances of getting stuck in an elevator.

To learn more about how ELEVATE Monitoring can help you with your elevator service life, call us at 877-990-9191 today.

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